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The evidence given in court was inconsistent with what he had previously told them.他提交法庭的证据与之前他告诉他们的相矛盾。The assassination attempt has definitely spoilt the previously positive atmosphere between the opposing parties.这次刺杀行动无疑破坏了这两个敌对政党之间原本友好的气氛。Had the prisoner previously displayed suicidal tendencies?该囚犯以前有过自杀倾向吗?The scope of foreign policy expanded to embrace areas previously considered unimportant.外交政策的范围扩大到以前被认为是不重要的地区。The document was previously circulated in New York at the United Nations.这份文件先前在纽约的联合国总部传阅过。These black models are moving in on what was previously white territory: the lucrative cosmetic contracts.黑人模特正逐步涉足曾是白人主宰的领地:签约获利丰厚的化妆品行业。Hypnotherapy can bring out previously hidden emotions.催眠疗法可以释放以前隐藏的情感。The company was previously owned by the French government.这家公司早前由法国政府拥有。His erratic behaviour canceled the good impression he had made previously.他的古怪行为抵消了以前他给人留下的好印象。Doctors have identified a previously unrecognized form of the disease.医生已识别出了一种过去不知道的疾病。He will find his every step more harshly spotlighted than has been the case previously.他会发现与以往相比,他的每一步都会吸引人们更加密切的关注。This new biography contains a wealth of previously unpublished material.这部新传记包含大量以前未公开的材料。Several hundred people were affected by the previously unknown virus.好几百人感染了那种原先还不为人知的病毒。Six months previously he had smashed up his car.六个月以前他撞毁了自己的汽车。Newman himself had previously declared against the practice.纽曼自己先前表示反对这一做法。The plan has provided health insurance for many Americans who were previously uninsured.这项计划是向大批原来没有保险的美国人提供健康保险。He had previously coached the junior colts for three years.他曾在青年队执教过三年。As previously stated, the phrase has an ambiguous meaning.如前所述,这个短语存在歧义。The changed outlook entails higher economic growth than was previously assumed.观念的改变势必会使得经济增长高于之前预计的水平。Almost half the group had previously been heavy smokers.这一群体中近半数以前都是烟瘾很大的烟民。Spassky had never previously lost to his antagonist.斯帕斯基以往从未输给过他的对手。This statement was in direct opposition to what they had said previously.这一陈述与他们之前所言截然相反。As noted above/earlier/previously, most people survive the disease.正如前面所指出的,大部分人战胜了这种疾病。The previously unthinkable is not only thinkable, but achievable.先前不可想象的事现在不仅可以考虑,而且能够实现。The ants, which have been previously catalogued, live in the mangrove swamps of northern Australia.这种蚂蚁此前有过详细记录,生活在澳大利亚北部的红树林沼泽地区。The Act, due to come into force next week, codifies the immunity that has previously existed under common law.该法案将于下周开始实施,正式确立了之前习惯法中已经存在的豁免权的法律地位。Recent research has shown that human language is much older than we previously thought.最近的一个研究显示,人类语言的历史比我们原来想的要悠久得多。She had met Atwood at a conference a few weeks previously.在几周前的一次会议上她遇到了阿特伍德。Red blood inundated her face, previously so pale.鲜红的血液涌上她那张原先十分苍白的脸。A previously unsuspected kidney disease caused her death.一种前所未闻的肾病导致了她的死亡。He realized that he had found his métier, having previously thought that finance was a world reserved for Ivy Leaguers.他意识到终于找到了适合自己的职业,先前他还以为金融业都是留给那些常春藤名校毕业生的呢。The text of the previously secret treaty can now be revealed.先前保密的条约文本现在可以公开了。This information was previously unavailable to the public.这样的信息以前公众是无法获知的。The Olympics can make sporting heroes out of previously little-known athletes.奥运会能把原来名不见经传的运动员变成体育界的英雄。A previously unknown extremist group has said it carried out Friday's bomb attack.一个从未听说过的极端分子组织声称他们组织了周五的炸弹袭击。I had posted the card two months previously.我两个月以前就把那张卡片寄了。The author's new book includes some previously published material.作者新书中有些先前出版过的材料。Jemison had previously held office as Minister of Education.杰米森早前曾担任过教育部长。The man had previously been arrested several times for molesting young boys.那名男子以前曾因猥亵男童多次被捕。Guyana's railways were previously owned by private companies.圭亚那的铁路之前是归私人公司所有的。 |