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词汇 presidents
例句 Voters can be remarkably forgiving of presidents who fail to keep their campaign promises.选民们对不履行竞选承诺的总统能做到极其宽容。Sally's predecessor had warned her about Nick, one of the company vice-presidents.萨莉的前任告诫她要当心尼克,他是公司的副总裁之一。The two presidents keyed their talks to problems of peacekeeping.两位总统会谈时重点谈维护和平问题。Some critics might postpone him to previous presidents.一些评论家可能将他排在前几任总统之后。A whole succession of presidents had tried to resolve the issue without success.历届总统试图解决这个问题,都没有成功。He had to name all the US presidents in order.他必须按顺序说出历任美国总统的名字。The two presidents met today, as a preliminary to resuming the peace talks.两位总统今天会面了,为重启和谈做准备。Virginia is famous as the birthplace of several US presidents.弗吉尼亚以作为几位美国总统的出生地而出名。The presidents issued a strongly-worded statement in support of the government.诸位总统联合发表了一份措辞鲜明的声明来支持该政府。Hammer's business pedigree almost guaranteed him the acquaintance of U.S. presidents.哈默的商业背景几乎保证了他能够结识美国总统。The sculpture of four presidents in South Dakota is a masterpiece of masonry.美国南达科达州的四位总统雕像可以说是石工技艺的杰作。The two presidents have had candid talks about the current crisis.两位总统就当前的危机进行了坦率的交谈。College presidents supported his bid for the position.大学校长们支持他竞争这个职位。The essay draws parallels between the lives of the two presidents. 文章描写了两位总裁生活的相似之处。During their talks, the two presidents discussed the transit of goods between the two countries.会谈中,两位总统讨论了两国间货物运输的问题。All the living presidents attended Nixon's funeral.所有活著的总统参加了尼克森的葬礼。As part of her oral examination, she had to recite the names of all the presidents.作为口试的一部分,她必须背出所有总裁的名字。The policy is so convoluted even college presidents are confused.这一政策太过复杂,连大学校长都感到困惑。The two presidents met for the first time to discuss their longstanding border dispute.两国总统首度会晤,就长期以来的边界争端进行协商。The ceremony honoured all the former presidents who are still living.这次庆典向所有仍然健在的前总统表示敬意。Can you list all U.S. presidents by name?你能列出所有美国总统的姓名吗? The outgoing and incoming presidents posed for the cameras.即将离任的总统和新上任的总统都在照相机前摆好了姿势。The writer draws comparisons between the two presidents.作家比较了两位总统的相似之处。The two presidents issued a joint statement.两位总统发表了一项联合声明。Vice-presidents' wives would fill in for first ladies.副总统夫人们将临时代替各位第一夫人。He was also a progenitor of seven presidents of Nicaragua.他还是七位尼加拉瓜总统的先祖。




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