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例句 I was greatly cheered by this news.这条消息使我大为振奋。The eyes are dazzled by this work, but the heartstrings are left untouched.这件作品让他们眼花缭乱,但内心却没有受到触动。Let's sit over here by this window.我们就坐在这儿的窗户旁吧。 The boat should be operational by this afternoon.今天下午这艘船就可以使用了。The paint should have dried off by this time tomorrow.油漆到明天这个时候就应该已经干了。We are both deeply moved and sobered by this moment.这一时刻让我们俩深受感动,变得更加严肃。The national interest was gravely harmed by this attack.这次攻击使国家利益受到严重损害。She was touched by this simple act of kindness.这简单的体贴举动使她感动。She's setting a lot of store by this job interview - I only hope she gets it.她对这次求职面试寄予了厚望——我只希望她能如愿以偿。We benefited greatly by this frank talk.这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。No one is fooled by this charade.这种装模作样的把戏骗不了人。She has been much afflicted by this sad news.她为此不幸的消息感到很难过。He was shattered and bewildered by this trenchant criticism.他因这番尖锐的批评而万念俱灰,茫然不知所措。Carry the parcel by this loop of string.提包裹时抓着这个襻就行。Maisie seemed peeved by this question.梅茜似乎被这个问题惹恼了。The enemy are completely psyched out by this unorthodox move.敌人被这违反章法的异常行动弄得惊慌失措。The contract was rendered ineffective by this careless wording.措辞不慎致使这份合同失效。My world has been turned upside down by this disease.我的生活被这种病弄得乱七八糟。Hopes of economic recovery were dealt a body blow by this latest announcement.最新公布的消息对经济复苏的希望是个沉重打击。We were immediately struck by this city's holiness.我们立即就被这座城市的神圣氛围所打动。It was especially galling to be criticized by this scoundrel.被这个无赖批评特别令人恼怒。No one can remain unmoved by this music.听了这音乐没有人不感动。My father was so surprised by this violent reaction that he fell silent.爸爸对这一激烈的反应惊讶得突然静了下来。We reckon to be finished by this afternoon.我们希望今天下午完成任务。I'll have my work cut out to get this design finished by this afternoon.我要费很大的劲才能在下午前完成这个设计。Your sense of decorum may be shocked by this.懂礼节的你可能会对这件事感到震惊。Sustained by this wonderful breakfast, it was with restored morale that we re-boarded our plane.这顿丰盛的早餐补充了我们的体力,我们又精神焕发地登上了飞机。I firmly believe my son has been entrapped by this cult.我坚信我儿子已经被这个邪教蛊惑了。I am sure millions of viewers were humbled by this story.我相信数百万观众看了这个故事后都会感到自己的渺小。What does this word mean in English? = What is meant in English by this word?这个词在英语中是什么意思?She appeared genuinely surprised by this gesture of affection.看来她真的被这个爱意的表示惊呆了。Roy seemed deeply hurt by this remark.看起来这句话深深刺痛了罗伊。The general hoped by this manoeuvre to disconcert the enemy's plan.这位将军希望通过这次作战行动扰乱敌人的计划。DVDs of his movies are distributed by this company.他的电影的数字影碟由这家公司发售。The reports are testimony to the many hours of research completed by this committee.这些报告充分表明该委员会花了很多时间进行研究。Jeremy felt elated by this sudden and unexpected success.杰里米对这突如其来的成功感到万分欣喜。I am stunned and saddened by this news.这个消息令我大为震惊,非常难过。Nobody should be surprised by this. It's been in the works for some time.不应该有人对此感到惊奇,这事已经张罗了有一阵子了。Jeremy was not deterred by this criticism.杰里米没有因这一批评而却步。Surrounded by this changeless landscape, one can imagine the world as it was many thousands of years ago.置身于这永恒不变的风景之中,可以想象出好几千年前世界是什么样子的。




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