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词汇 pray
例句 I pray that death may not intervene to prevent our meeting with my darling children.我祈祷死亡不要阻挠我们与我亲爱的孩子们见一面。We pray that both sides will continue to honour their commitment to the peace agreement.我们期盼双方继续履行对和平协定作出的承诺。They pray in private and don't advertise their faith by attending church.他们只在私下祈祷,并不去教堂做礼拜以凸显自己的信仰。I pray that I'll have the strength to do what I have to do.但愿我有坚强的意志做我必须做的事情。And what are you doing here, pray?请问你在这儿做什么?We pray for those who died – may they rest in peace.我们为死者祈祷 — 愿他们安息。We can but pray that our worst fears will prove unfounded.我们只能祈祷我们最大的担忧是毫无根据的。They went to pray in the temple.他们去寺庙祈祷。I pray to Heaven it may be so.我向上帝祈祷但愿如此。Let us pray to Almighty God.让我们向万能的上帝祈祷吧。Every day the old women went to pray at the shrine.老太太们每天去圣殿祈祷。He got down on his knees and began to pray.他跪下来开始祈祷。She could only pray that the boy would turn aside from the disastrous path he had chosen.她只能祈祷那个男孩能从他选择的毁灭之路上回头。We can hope and pray that no one gets hurt.我们希望并祈祷没有人受伤。She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine, and hope and pray.她打定主意必须像平时一样生活,遵循自己通常的作息规律,同时怀抱希望、虔诚祈祷。Wesley would pray for hours and memorize large sections of the Bible.韦斯利会祷告好几小时,并把《圣经》大段大段地记住。She could only hope and pray that Liza would be back to her normal self the next time she saw her.她只能祈盼下回见到莉萨的时候,她会恢复正常。She began to pray a prayer of sincere gratitude.她开始祈祷,诚挚而充满感激。She asked the priest to pray with her.她请牧师和她一起祈祷。Lottie knelt down to pray.洛蒂跪下祈祷。I beg your pardon, pray continue.抱歉,请继续。There's little else to do now but hope and pray.除了祈望和祷告外现在没什么可以做的。One can only pray that the team's manager learns something from it.大家也只能希冀球队教练从中汲取教训。Now all we have to do is pray to God.我们现在所要做的就是向上帝祈祷。The King was on a private visit to enable him to pray at the tombs of his ancestors.国王以私人身份出访,以便能够祭拜先祖陵墓。And what, pray, do you buy and sell, Major?梅杰,请问,你都买卖些什么?What, pray, is the meaning of this behaviour?请问,这种行为意味着什么?Let's woefully pray for the passengers who perished in this plane crash.让我们充满悲伤地为这次空难中死难的旅客祈祷。The people all fell to their knees and began to pray.人们都跪了下来,开始祈祷。We pray for all our brothers and sisters abroad.我们为所有海外同胞祈祷。I pray you to show mercy to the child.我恳请你对这孩子仁慈一点。I just hope and pray everything goes well.我只希望并祈盼一切顺利。I pray that she'll never find out.但愿她永远不会发现。Let us not count it too hard to pray a soul into the kingdom.我们不要过于指望能够把灵魂祈祷进天国。We must pray to the Almighty for forgiveness.我们一定要祈求上帝的宽恕。Let us pray for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves - the sick, the old, and the needy.让我们为那些比我们不幸的病弱者、老人和穷人祈祷吧。I pray to God that no one was seriously injured in the accident.我向上帝祈祷,但愿没有人员在事故中受重伤。Let's pray Mick doesn't find out.让我们祈祷米克不会发现吧。It would be sheer hypocrisy to pray for success, since I've never believed in God.我从不相信上帝,因此为成功而祈祷是纯粹的虚伪之举。The whole family knelt on cushions to pray.全家人跪在跪垫上祈祷。




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