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词汇 隔着
例句 The two sides watched each other over the barricades.双方隔着路障互相监视。She darted a look at him across the table.隔着桌子向他瞥了一眼。Visitors see the painting from behind a plate glass window.参观者隔着平板玻璃橱窗欣赏那幅画。They glared at each other across the table.他们隔着桌子互相怒视。They enjoyed having a natter over the garden fence.他们喜欢隔着花园篱笆聊天。He peered over the fence.隔着篱笆仔细观察着。She lives in a house two doors down/up from me. 她家和我家只隔着一户人家。The tables were pushed close together so diners could talk across the aisles.桌子被往一块推,这样吃饭的人就能隔着过道说话。She looked at him across the table and gave him a significant smile.隔着桌子望着他,给了他一个意味深长的微笑。They screamed across the back fence.他们隔着后栅栏冲着对方喊叫。They looked daggers at each other across the table.他们隔着桌子怒视彼此。The two girls exchanged furtive glances across the dinner table and tried hard not to giggle.这两个女孩隔着餐桌诡秘地交换眼色,拼命地忍住不笑出来。Shouting across the street at someone is not very ladylike!隔着马路对某个人大声叫喊有失大家闺秀的风范!Liz saw their eyes meet fondly across the table.利兹看到他们隔着桌子深情对视。She is always chatting with her neighbour over the garden fence.她总是和邻居隔着花园的篱笆闲聊。Her house is two doors to the north of us.她家在我们家北边,隔着两间门面。He made a thumbs-up sign through the window to tell us everything was fine.隔着窗子竖起大拇指,告诉我们一切顺利。The tower was visible across leagues of flat marshland.隔着大片平坦的沼泽地看得见那座塔楼。He wrinkled his forehead at her over the table.隔着桌子向她皱起了额头。We could hear the howling of wolves, muffled by forest and mist.我们隔着森林和雾气,隐隐听到狼嚎声。Bill sat down across the desk from him.比尔隔着桌子在他对面坐了下来。Modern technology enables eavesdroppers to pick up conversations through windows or walls.现代技术使窃听者能够隔着窗户或墙偷听谈话。The beam of the lighthouse occults at regular intervals.灯塔的光隔着一定的间隙一明一暗。Ask someone to pass you the jam instead of stretching across the table for it.请人把果酱递给你,而不要隔着桌子伸过手去拿。Nick's voice was inaudible through the glass barrier.由于隔着玻璃屏障,听不见尼克的声音。The children were yelling at each other across the street.孩子们隔着街互相叫喊。She saw her friends across the street and called over/across to them.她看见朋友们在马路对面,就隔着马路向他们喊起来。Did you see those two making eyes at each other across the table?你看到那两人在隔着桌子眉来眼去吗?I had lived two doors away from this family for several years.我和这家人是好几年的邻居了,中间就隔着两家。Caroline leant across the table towards him.卡罗琳隔着桌子俯身向他靠过来。John's voice was muffled by the door, and I couldn't tell what he was saying.约翰的声音隔着门听起来很低沉,我听不清他在说什么。We waved to our friends through the window.我们隔着窗户向朋友们挥手致意。They had poured fuel through the door of the flat and had then set light to it.他们隔着公寓门往里边倒汽油,然后点着了火。He was seated across the table from me.隔着桌子坐在我的对面。She reached across the desk and shook my hand.隔着桌子伸出手来和我握手。The man was shaking his fist at us through the window.那个男人隔着窗户向我们挥拳头。We grew up two doors apart. 我们一起长大,两家中间只隔着一户人家。Philip mouthed something through the glass which she did not hear.菲利普隔着玻璃说了些什么,可是她没有听见。Roger glared angrily at her across the dinner table.罗杰隔着餐桌朝她怒目而视。She yelled to her friend across the park.隔着运动场对朋友大喊。




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