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词汇 poured
例句 She poured them drinks, and put a record on loud.她为他们倒上饮料,然后开大音量播放唱片。He poured the wine into her glass.他往她的玻璃杯里倒酒。He had a drink, then poured another.他喝了一杯,然后又给自己倒了一杯。Tears poured down both our faces.我俩都泪流满面。He poured wine into a glass with a tall stalk.他将酒倒入一只高脚玻璃杯中。Molten iron is poured into huge moulds and allowed to cool.熔化的铁水被注入巨大的模子里冷却。Flames poured out of the windows of the building.火焰从建筑物的窗口冒出来。Light from outside poured into the hall.光从外面泻入大厅。He rinsed out a glass and poured himself a whiskey.他冲洗了一只玻璃杯,给自己倒了杯威士忌酒。The loudspeakers poured forth a continuous programme of martial music.扬声器连续不断地放送军乐节目。He poured me a tot of whisky.他给我到了一杯威士忌酒。Her political rivals have poured/heaped scorn on her ideas for improving the tax system.她的政治对手对她改进税收体制的想法嗤之以鼻。Francis poured a generous measure of the whisky into a fresh glass.弗朗西斯往一个干净的玻璃杯里倒了很多威士忌。He uncapped the bottle and poured out some rum.他打开瓶盖,倒出一些朗姆酒。Investors have poured money into US equities.投资者投入大量资金购买美国股票。The river poured its waters through the breach.河水从缺口倾泻而出。They have poured a lot of time and money into the project.他们在这个项目上投入了大量时间和金钱。The rain poured monotonously out of the grey sky.雨单调地从灰暗的天空中倾泻下来。Lava poured out of the volcano, glowing like the fires of hell.熔岩从火山中喷出,发出灼热的光,像地狱之火一般。Goods poured in from the four corners of the world.世界各地的商品纷纷涌来。Light poured down from the hole in the roof.光从屋顶的空隙倾泻下来。Crowds poured in from everywhere to watch the race.人群从四面八方涌来观看这场比赛。Scalding tears poured down her face.热泪顺着她的面颊簌簌地流下来。When the kettle boiled he poured hot water into his Thermos.壶里的水烧开后,他把开水倒进了保温瓶。Dan picked up the bucket and poured the sand out of it.丹拎起桶,把里面的沙子倒了出来。They poured wine around the trees in accordance with local custom.他们按照当地的风俗在树的周围倒上酒。Thousands of protesters poured out onto the streets.成千上万的抗议者涌上街头。The hunter poured bullets into the flying birds.猎人向飞鸟连续发射子弹。The enemy's troops poured through an opening in our defenses.敌人的队伍大量涌进了我军防线上的缺口。He poured himself a stiff whisky.他给自己倒了一杯浓烈的威士忌。He poured himself a Scotch.他为自己倒了一杯苏格兰威士忌。He got up and poured himself another drink.他站起身来,给自己又倒了一杯。She poured muddy water out of his shoes.她把泥水从他的鞋子里倒出来。Kelly poured himself another glass of wine and jammed the cork back into the bottle.凯利又给自己倒了杯酒,然后把木塞塞回瓶口。She poured boiling water into the teapot.她将开水倒入茶壶中。She poured the liquid down the tube.她顺着管子向下倒入液体。People poured out of the subway.人们从地铁口涌出。He had difficulty in holding the teapot steady when he poured out tea.他在倒茶时很难拿稳茶壶。The rain poured through a hole in the roof.雨水从屋顶上的一个破洞倾泻而入。A flood of refugees poured over the bridge to escape the fighting.大批难民拥着过桥,躲避战争。




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