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Try to space out your classes and study in between.设法将上课时间排开,当中进行温习。As the battery gassed, the air became displaced by hydrogen gas.电池释放气体时,周围空气被氢气排开。He lined up the plates on the table in front of them.他把桌子上的盘子一个个排开,放在他们面前。Try to space out the poles evenly.尽量把柱子均匀地排开。Both of them juggle their working hours to be with the children.他们两个都将工作时间排开以陪伴孩子。Along each wall stretched green metal filing cabinets.绿色金属文件柜靠着各面墙依次排开。The spectators ranged themselves along the route of the procession.观众沿游行队伍经过的路线成行排开。 |