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词汇 pour
例句 The French crowds pour like lemmings down the motorway to Paris.一群群法国人像旅鼠一样涌上通往巴黎的高速公路。Grease the pan before you pour the batter in.将面糊倒入锅里之前,要在锅底涂上油。He had done his level best as a mediator, and had taken care not to pour oil on the flames.他已经尽了他的职务,努力为大局计,在作和事老,不作拨火棒。Would you mind doing the intros, Martha, while I pour some drinks?我去倒些饮料,你能帮我作一下介绍吗,玛莎?Heat the oil in a non-stick frying-pan, then pour in the egg mixture.在不粘煎锅里将油加热,然后倒入鸡蛋糊。Let's see if I can pour the juice into the glass without spilling it.来试试看我能不能把果汁倒进玻璃杯里,一点都不洒出来。Holidaymakers continued to pour down to the coast in search of surf and sun.度假者不断涌至海边冲浪和享受阳光。Thunder crashed as the rain started to pour.大雨倾盆,雷声轰鸣。This teapot doesn't pour very well.这把茶壶倒起来不太方便。The sweat began to pour down his face.他开始汗流满面。Would you pour out the tea?你来斟茶好吗?Place the sliced pork fillet on top and pour a little sauce over it.把切成片的猪肉里脊放在上面,再往上浇点调味汁。Heat this syrup and pour it over.将糖浆加热,浇在上面。Heat the cream to boiling point and pour it over the chocolate.把奶油煮沸,浇在巧克力上。Sit down and I'll pour you a drink.坐下来,我去给你倒杯饮料。Drain the pasta well, arrange on four plates and pour over the sauce.把意大利面的水分完全沥干,然后盛在四个盘子里浇上酱。Election results are beginning to pour in.选举的结果开始源源不断地传来。Orders for the soap have started to pour in.购买这款肥皂的订单不断涌来。She hurried away to pour more coffee and tend to the grill.她匆忙走开,去添加咖啡和照看烤架。It is fashionable these days to pour scorn on those in public life.如今人们都看不起那些从事公务工作的人。She asked Tillie to pour her a cup of coffee.她请蒂莉给她倒杯咖啡。We pour money into shares and other financial assets.我们把大笔钱投入股票和其他金融资产中。After cooking the fish, pour off any excess fat.烹完鱼后,倒掉多余的油。It's best to pour your yoghurt into small containers before it sets.最好在酸奶凝固之前倒在较小的容器里。When the sauce is just starting to thicken, pour it over the meat.酱汁开始变稠的时候,把它浇到肉上。Temporary shelters were hastily constructed as the refugees started to pour in.难民开始蜂拥而至,临时避难所被匆匆搭建起来。Squeeze the lemons and pour the juice into a jug.榨压柠檬,把汁水倒入壶里。I pour water out of a teapot painted with roses.我从绘有玫瑰花图案的茶壶里倒水。Beat the cream into the fruit puree, pour into bowls, and chill.把奶油倒入果酱中搅拌,之后再倒入碗中冷却。After they took the lead in the second half, they really started to pour it on. 下半场领先后,他们打得非常卖力。My husband's always arguing with my father, and I'm the one who has to pour oil on troubled waters.我丈夫老和我父亲争吵,我不得不做他们的调停人。Could you please pour?你来倒饮料好吗?Gradually pour in the sherry and the stock.慢慢浇上雪利酒和原汤汁。For true decadence, pour the liqueur onto vanilla ice cream.如果真的想享受一下,就把烈酒浇在香草冰激凌上试试。I used to pour time and energy into projects that were doomed from the start.我原来总在那些一开始就注定失败的项目上倾注大量时间和精力。You do the honors and pour out the tea.你尽一下主人之谊,给客人倒茶。The thunder and lightning stopped, but it continued to pour.打雷和闪电是停了,可又下起了倾盆大雨。To fix the cooling system of your car, first we have to backwash the cooling system, then pour new freon in it.我们需要以逆流的方式冲洗冷却系统,然后再倒进冷媒,这样你的汽车冷气就可以修好了。Before the meeting could end, torrential rain began to pour.没等散会,暴雨就倾泻而下。The Government continues to pour billions of pounds into its massive road-building programme.政府继续向庞大的筑路项目中投入数十亿英镑。




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