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词汇 到外面
例句 They stepped outside for a burn.他们走到外面去抽支烟。Let's go outside and play catch.我们到外面去玩传接球吧。We went outside to see what was happening.我们到外面去看发生了什么事。She went outside and hailed a taxi. 她走到外面叫了一辆出租车。I grabbed the classifieds and hit the pavement, looking for a new job.我一把拿起这个分类广告到外面四处转,寻找一份新的工作。It's nice for her to get out more.对她来说,多到外面走走很不错。Do the right thing - turn off the TV and get the kids playing outside.正确的做法是:关掉电视机,让孩子们到外面去玩。You should get out and meet people.你应该到外面去认识些人。We rushed outside and gulped in the sweet fresh air.我们跑到外面大口呼吸甘甜的新鲜空气。If I'm going out for a meal, I prefer to try something different.如果我到外面吃饭,我喜欢尝试不一样的东西。Jane wanted to rush to the door and get out into the open air.简想冲向门口到外面去。They filled the small living room to overflowing.他们把那间小起居室挤得满满的,有些人只好站到外面了。Elaine went outside to inspect the playing field.伊莱恩走到外面查看操场。Wait till I get you outside, and I'll sort you out!等着,看我不把你揪到外面揍你!He went outside for a fly cigarette.到外面偷偷抽烟去了。My interests: eating out, fun nights in, music and laughter.我的兴趣爱好是:到外面下馆子、晚上在家娱乐、听音乐、寻乐子。She ducked out for a smoke.她悄悄地溜到外面抽烟。I went out with the usual gang from college on Friday night.星期五晚上我和大学的一帮老朋友一起到外面玩乐去了。John has gone out on the loose, and won't be back till late.约翰到外面寻欢作乐去了,不到很晚不会回来。She stepped outside to watch for the cab.她走到外面等出租车。He went outside for a smoke. = He went outside to have a smoke. 到外面抽烟去了。The children were raring to get outdoors.孩子们急着要到外面去。She went outside to see what was happening.到外面去看看发生了什么事。If you must smoke, please go outside.如果你非要吸烟不可,请到外面去吸。You can smoke if you must, but please do it outdoors.要是你非得抽烟也可以,不过请到外面去抽。The children were raring to get out into the snow.孩子们渴望到外面雪地里去玩。He scarfed down his lunch and went right back outside.他狼吞虎咽地吃完午饭马上又到外面去了。Martha took the tablecloth outside and gave it a good shake.玛莎把台布拿到外面好好地抖了抖。Let's go outside and sit in the sun.我们到外面去在太阳底下坐坐吧。The kids should go outside and play before the rain sets in again.趁这雨还没接着下,孩子们应该到外面去玩一玩。Mummy says I can play out in the garden.妈妈说我可以到外面花园里玩。The man rushed out and dumped him.那人冲到外面把他打倒在地。I went outside and lobbed a breeze block through the window.我走到外面,把一块煤渣砖从窗口扔进去。He went outside for a quiet smoke.到外面去静静地吸一支烟。I told the children to put on their gym kit and go outside.我叫孩子们穿好体操服到外面去。This doesn't mean we're hanging out in scuzzy old tracksuits.这并不意味着我们要穿着又脏又旧的运动服到外面晃荡。We went outside to play some ball.我们到外面打了会儿球。I opened the screen door and stepped out onto the porch.我打开纱门走到外面的门廊上。We went outside to wave her off.我们走到外面与她道别。We just went outside for a cheeky cigarette.我们刚到外面很快地抽了一支烟。




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