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词汇 cooked
例句 The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food.预防霍乱的最佳方法是将水煮沸或过滤,并且只食用煮熟后的食物。The sauce is best when cooked slowly over low heat.文火慢慢熬出的调味汁是最棒的。The meat was only partially cooked.这块肉没有完全做熟。Sarah cooked us a really nice dinner.萨拉给我们做了一顿很好吃的晚餐。He likes his steak cooked medium.他喜欢五分熟的牛排。The chops should be cooked over moderate heat to prevent excessive charring.排骨要用中火炸以防炸糊了。When the cake is cooked, sift some icing sugar over the top of it.蛋糕做好后,在上面筛上一些糖粉。He cooked up some crazy scheme for making money, and ended up being arrested.他想出个疯狂的赚钱计划,结果落入法网被捕。She brewed up some coffee while I cooked the bacon and eggs.我在做培根和鸡蛋时,她煮了点咖啡。She always cooked her vegetables in a pressure cooker.她总是用压力锅煮菜。I don't think the chicken is completely cooked.我觉得鸡肉没有完全做熟。He cooked up this story that she was his illegitimate daughter.他编造了她是自己私生女的故事。She cooked us a delicious French dish with pork and tomatoes.她用猪肉和西红柿给我们做了一道美味可口的法国菜。He'd cooked dinner and washed the dishes.他做了饭,还洗了碗。Tania cooked, served, and cleared away.塔妮娅做饭,上菜,还收拾了餐具。If left to stand, cooked pasta sticks together.煮好的面放置时间长了会变坨。Every night he cooked up a big casserole.每天晚上他都做一大锅砂锅炖菜。When the beans have cooked long enough to be tender, drain off the water and set them aside.当豆子经过长时间烹饪变软后,控干水分放在一旁备用。She was pretty unforthcoming. Made Sally wait till she'd cooked Selby's lunch, if you please.她爱搭不理地把萨莉晾在一边,直到她为塞尔比做好午饭,你说怪不怪。Hendrik cooked up the clam chowder on the kerosene stove.亨德里克在煤油炉上炖了蛤肉杂烩汤。Check that the roast is cooked right through, using a meat thermometer.用烤肉温度计检查一下肉烤透了没有。She has very little time to prepare home-cooked meals.她几乎没有时间自己烧饭。We cooked a whole chicken.我们炖了一整只鸡。He might have cooked the books.他也许做了假帐。The vegetables were cooked perfectly.这些蔬菜烹制得好极了。I cooked the rice according to the directions on the box.我按照盒子上的说明煮米饭。They cooked the books to drive up the company's stock prices.他们做假账抬高公司股价。The chicken was very tough, as though it had not been freshly cooked that day.鸡肉非常老,好像不是当天新鲜烧的。When the rice isn't cooked properly it goes lumpy and gooey.米饭没煮好会结块,而且软黏黏的。The party cooked right through the night.聚会闹了个通宵。Remove the vegetables from the steamer when they are three-quarters cooked.将蔬菜蒸至大半熟后从蒸锅里捞出。They cooked the scripts to make Adams look stupid.他们篡改文稿,想让亚当斯出丑。They cleaned the fish and cooked them on the campfire.他们把鱼清理内脏之后,放在篝火上烧烤。Food that is insufficiently cooked can lead to food poisoning.未煮熟的食物可能导致食物中毒。She cooked up some weird scheme that was going to earn her a fortune.她想出了个能使自己发财的怪点子。I don't like food cooked in deep fat.我不喜欢油炸的食品。Purée the cooked fruit.把煮熟的水果做成泥。The food is home-cooked using fresh ingredients.食物是用新鲜的材料在家里做的。Persian cuisine is usually cooked over a slow fire.波斯菜肴通常用慢火烹制。Most of the food is cooked on a large wood-fired oven.大部分食物都是在一口很大的烧柴土灶上烹煮的。




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