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词汇 posts
例句 The posts have been advertised internally.这些职位的宣传已经深入人心。You have to get eight wooden posts, and drive them into the ground.你得找来八根木桩,并把它们敲入地里。The King may turn over some of his official posts to his son.国王可能会把他的某些公职交由儿子担任。They were putting posts along the boundary.他们正在分界线树立界桩。I find it depressing that not one of the posts was filled by a woman.这些职位没有一个由女性占据,这让我很沮丧。My father has held full-time teaching posts at several universities.我父亲曾在好几所大学担任全职的教学工作。The posts and lanterns are themselves in good order.灯柱和信号灯本身工作正常。Many loyal Republican officers were purged and removed from their posts.很多忠诚的共和党官员遭到清洗,被革了职。The posts have to be set in concrete.柱子必须用混凝土固定。I just thought I would have a pop at the posts with the outside of my boot.我只是想我可以试着用靴子外侧踢门柱。They have several vacant posts.他们有几个职位空缺。Teaching posts are advertised in Tuesday's edition of the paper.星期二的报纸上有招聘教师的广告。The gun crew were at their posts.炮手们已就位。The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts.围栏用粗大的木桩建成,非常坚固。She posts regularly to several newsgroups.她经常向几个网络新闻组发帖。He scoured the advertisements for teaching posts.他浏览各种广告寻找教职。Sir Peter has held several senior military posts.彼得爵士担任过几个高级军事职务。O'Leary served in federal energy posts in both the Ford and Carter administrations.在福特和卡特两届政府执政期间,奥利里都在联邦能源机构中任职。Potentially high financial rewards are attached to senior hospital posts.医院里的高级职位工资可能高。The company rewards outstanding employees with promotions to higher-paid posts.这家公司将出色的员工提升到薪水更高的职位作为奖励。The sentries had deserted their posts.哨兵擅自离开了岗位。Removing the posts left part of the roof unsupported.拆掉这几根柱子,部分屋顶就失去了支撑。He sank the fence posts into the ground.他把篱笆桩打进了地里。For years, Galileo grubbed away in underpaid mathematical teaching posts.伽利略有好些年在收入菲薄的数学教师职位上苦干。Gates should be hung on sturdy posts set well into the ground.大门应该装在地基牢固的柱子上。If you don't want to see his posts any more, unlike his Facebook page.如果你不再想看到他的发言,就对他的脸书页面取消贊。The posts are intended for students who have recently completed a first degree in biology.这些职位是为那些最近完成了生物学第一学位的学生准备的。These steel posts form the sinews of the building.这些钢柱构成了该大楼的骨架。The posts must be fixed firmly in the ground.柱子必须牢牢固定在地上。He holds several plush posts in a row.他一下子兼了几个薪水优厚的职务。They seem to move the goal posts every time I meet the conditions which are required.好像每当我达到规定条件时,他们就改变规则。The workers embedded the big posts in concrete.工人们把这些粗梉子埋置在水泥中。The interval between the two posts measures thirty meters.那两根柱间的距离为三十米。Before becoming prime minister, he had already occupied several cabinet posts.成为首相之前,他曾出任过好几个内阁职位。First, you'll have to ram the posts into the ground.首先,你必须把桩打进地里。They will swap posts in a year's time, according to new party rules which rotate the leadership.根据轮流担任领导的新政党章程,他们在一年后会轮换职位。Most medical graduates shun posts in geriatric medicine.医科大学毕业生大都不肯做老年病方面的工作。All appointments to military and administrative posts were in the gift of the king.军事和政府职位全由国王任命。We cantilevered the veranda to get rid of the posts.为了去掉支柱,我们把游廊建成了悬臂式。There was an old punctured football lying between the goal-posts.球门柱之间有一个漏气的旧足球。




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