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词汇 lines
例句 Let's run the lines over together one more time.我们一起再过一遍台词吧。She read the lines with an upward/rising inflection.她用上扬的语调念台词。Reading between the lines, I'd say Robert's not very happy.听言外之意,我看罗伯特不是很快乐。There are many active or dormant volcanoes along the fault lines.这几条断层线沿线地带有许多活火山和休眠火山。Train lines were flooded out.铁路线被洪水冲毁。The board consists of vertical and horizontal lines.板上画着横纵的线条。Those two lines should be bracketed.那两行应该用大括号连起来。The show was a fiasco - one actor forgot his lines and another fell off the stage.演出彻底搞砸了,一个演员忘了台词,另一个跌下了舞台。Let's run through our lines one more time.我们再把台词快速过一遍吧。The actress blew her lines. 女演员把台词说错了。He could see faint lines in her face.他可以看见她脸上的细纹。We broke through the enemy lines.我们突破了敌人的防线。The censor struck out the next two lines.审查员划掉了下面两行。I noticed the fine lines around her eyes when she smiled.我注意到她笑起来眼睛周围有细小的皱纹。If you forget any of your lines, try to improvise.如果你忘了台词,就尽量即兴发挥吧。The equipment was made on highly automated production lines.该设备是在高度自动化生产线上制造出来的。Small guerilla units were fighting behind enemy lines.游击小分队在敌人后方作战。Don't entangle the fishing lines.不要让钓鱼线缠在一起。There were a few faint pencil lines on the page.那一页上面有几条淡淡的用铅笔画的线。We need something along the lines of a small cart. = We need a small cart or something along those/similar lines. 我们需要一辆类似于小推车的东西。The field of play must be marked with distinctive white lines.比赛场地必须用白线清楚地标出。Telephone and cable lines link your home office to the outside world.电话线和电缆线路把家庭办公室和外面的世界联系起来。The dividing lines on the street were newly painted.街道上的分界线是新漆的。The edges of the pitch are marked by white lines.球场的四边画着白线。Two lines were clearly delineated in the dust.尘土中清晰地勾勒出了两条线。Draw two intersecting lines that divide the page into four quadrants.画两条相交的线,将这一页分成四等份。It's a new shop selling discounted lines and seconds.这是家新开的商店,出售打折商品和等外品。Buyers are attracted by the sleek lines of the car.顾客们被这部车流畅的线条所吸引。She fluffed her lines in the first scene.她在第一场里念错了台词。The computer automatically numbers the lines.计算机自动标注行数。The determination of the property lines was required before the sale.房地产在出售前需要划定界线。The party is likely to divide along ideological lines.该党有可能在意识形态上产生分歧。It's a shop selling discounted lines and seconds.这是一家卖折扣货和次品的商店。Messengers on horseback relayed battle plans to the front lines.信使们骑马为前线送去了一个个作战计划。When she laughed, little lines formed at the corners of her eyes and mouth.她笑的时候,眼角和嘴角显出了细纹。Organic product lines have expanded from serving a small niche market.有机产品系列已经不再仅仅服务于小众市场。Knowing that the lines were tapped, I had not risked a phone call.知道电话被人搭线窃听,因此我没敢打电话。When text is saved from a Web page, it is often very badly formatted with many short lines.从网页上转存文本时,往往会出现许多短行,格式也乱了。Lightning struck the power lines, plunging half the city into darkness.雷电击中了电线,半个城市突然陷入了黑暗之中。Let's go through your lines one more time.我们再来练习一下你的台词。




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