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词汇 lingered
例句 She lingered outside the theater to waylay him after the show.她在戏院外面徘徊想在演出之后拦住他说话。Two plain-clothes detectives lingered by the doorways.两个便衣侦探在门口徘徊。I lingered on in Atlanta for a few days, spending much of my time with an artist friend.我在亚特兰大又逗留了几天,大部分时候都和一位搞艺术的朋友在一起。The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room.她的香水味在屋里挥之不去。The heat lingered long after the sun had gone down.太阳下山了,热气却久久不散。The pain lingered on for weeks.疼痛持续了好几个星期。The idea lingered in their minds.那个想法久久地萦绕在他们的脑海中。As she lingered over her coffee, the sky began to darken and heavy rain clouds swept in.她慢慢地喝着咖啡,天色开始暗了下来,天空中乌云密布。Davis lingered for a moment in the bar.戴维斯在酒吧待了一会儿。I lingered on in Atlanta for a few days.我在亚特兰大又逗留了几天。The smell of her perfume lingered.她的香水味久久未散。She lingered for a moment, uncertain what to do, then turned on her heel and left abruptly.她不知所措地待了一会儿,然后突然转身走了。Jack lingered for a while in the hall, hoping to get the chance to talk with her.杰克在大厅里逗留了一会,希望有机会同她交谈。The sound lingered in the air.那声音在空中持续了好久。A heavy silence lingered in the air.令人压抑的沉寂弥漫在空气中。He was ashamed. That feeling lingered, and he was never comfortable in church after that.他深感羞耻。这种感觉一直萦绕在心头,并且自那以后他在教堂总是觉得不自在。She lingered at the art exhibit.她在艺术展品前流连徘徊。The old man lingered several months after his stroke.那老人中风后拖了几个月才去世。Outside, two old boys lingered on the street corner discussing cattle.两个老头儿在外面街角迟迟不走,聊着牛的事情。They lingered in the lower reaches of the Football League.他们一直徘徊在足球联赛靠后的位置。A few fans lingered on after the concert was over.音乐会结束后,一些乐迷仍不愿离去。They lingered over coffee and missed the last bus.他们多喝了一会咖啡,错过了最后一辆巴士。The smell of decay lingered in her nostrils.腐烂的气味在她鼻子里久久不散。The resentments and the longings lingered.怨恨与热望仍堆在心头无法褪去。The faint smell of cigar smoke lingered on in the room.房间里弥散着淡淡的雪茄味。The smell of fish lingered in the kitchen.厨房里仍有鱼腥味。They lingered over coffee after dinner.饭后,他们不紧不慢地喝咖啡。He was very ill, but he lingered on for several more months.他病得很厉害,但又熬了好几个月后才去世。The scent of incense lingered in the air.熏香的气味还留存在空气中。The smell from the fire still lingered days later.大火过后好几天还能闻到烧焦的味道。Many students lingered after class.很多学生下课后磨蹭着不走。The Globe reported that he lingered between life and death, and the end was hourly expected.据《环球报》报道,他在生死线上徘徊,随时都有死亡的可能。They lingered over coffee and missed the train.他们慢吞吞喝著咖啡,结果误了火车。The words lingered in his mind long after they were spoken.那些话说出后很久仍在他脑际萦绕。He lingered in bed and missed breakfast.他赖在床上不起来结果错过了早餐。His unhappiness/resentment lingered on.他的悲伤/怨恨久久挥之不去。She lingered for a moment at the door.她在门口逗留了一会儿。The rain lingered on for days.连日阴雨绵绵。The children lingered at the zoo until closing time.动物园关门时孩子们才恋恋不舍地离去。The feelings of hurt and resentment lingered on for years.伤痛与怨恨持续了多年。




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