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词汇 positioned
例句 A badly positioned path can spoil the appearance of a garden.人行道选址不当会破坏花园的美观。The generator is positioned outside the water duct.发电机安放在输水管之外。Claire positioned herself so as not to obstruct David's line of sight.克莱尔为了不挡住戴维的视线挪了一下位置。Police marksmen were positioned on the roof.警方的神枪手布置在屋顶上。Once the paper is positioned correctly, the printer should print with no problems.只要放好了纸,打印机打印就应该不会有问题。The markers were not positioned centrally.标记没有放在中心位置。Troops are positioned on either side of the line of demarcation. = Troops are positioned on either side of the demarcation line.军队驻扎在分界线的两侧。The shortstop was positioned well to make the play.游击手被安排在接球的有利位置。She positioned herself by the door.她在门边找了个位置。The President has positioned himself firmly at the nation's helm.总统已牢牢执掌了国家大权。Federal troops were positioned around the city.联邦军队在该市周围驻扎。The pistol was positioned where I couldn't help but see it.手枪放在我抬眼就能看见的地方。The brand is well positioned to succeed in the Spanish market.该品牌定位很准确,会在西班牙市场取得成功。I got into our dinghy while Willis took the helm and positioned the boat for the photograph.我钻进我们的小艇,威利斯掌舵,将船摆好位置准备拍照。Williams positioned himself to receive the ball.威廉斯摆好姿势准备接球。He positioned the lamp in the middle of the table.他把灯放在桌子中央。The Braves positioned left fielder Chipper Jones near the foul line.勇士队将左外野手奇伯·琼斯安排在靠近边线处。The army had been positioned to the north and east of the city.军队驻扎在城市的北边和东边。The boy positioned himself near the door.小男孩在靠门的地方停了下来。I positioned myself where I could see the door.我让自己站到可以看见门的地方。The computer keyboard is positioned at a slant so that typing is more comfortable for the wrists.电脑键盘斜置是为了打字时手腕更舒服。The award is prominently positioned where everyone can see it.奖品放在人人都能看见的显眼位置上。The authorities had chained off the access road and positioned police in strategic places.当局用链条把进路拦断,并在要害地点布置警察站岗。The cursor is positioned on the first input field of the page.光标置于页面的第一个输入区域。The company is uniquely positioned to compete in foreign markets.公司的定位独特,主要在国外市场上竞争。The levers need to be exactly positioned.那些杠杆得摆放在精确的位置。She positioned the chairs round the dining table.她在餐桌四周摆上椅子。He positioned the two chairs so that they were perfectly aligned.他把两把椅子完全对齐排好。The Sergeant positioned his men in the woods nearby.中士让战士驻扎在附近的森林里。The French generals had positioned thousands of troops along the border.法国的将军已在边境上部署了数千名士兵。Army units are to be positioned at all major installations including factories and power stations.军队将被部署在包括工厂和电站在内的所有重要设施内。He positioned the chairs around the table.他将几把椅子放在了桌子周围。The needle has to be positioned with pinpoint accuracy.针刺的位置必须精确无误。He positioned a low table within her reach.他在她够得着的地方放了一张小矮桌。I positioned the photo at a slight tilt.我把照片稍微倾斜着放。




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