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词汇 Mary
例句 Religious faith is Mary's anchorage.宗教信仰是玛丽的精神支柱。Mary was busy with the adornment of the church.玛丽忙著布置教堂。When are Jim and Mary getting tied up?吉姆和玛丽什么时候结婚?Mary was putting her French in shape for the test.为应付测验玛丽的法语温习得很好。Tom proposed to Mary the other day.几天前汤姆向玛丽求婚了。His head was pillowed on Mary's lap.他的头枕在玛丽的大腿上。Mary wasn't at the examination yesterday. In fact, she didn't come to school at all.昨天玛丽没有参加考试,她甚至根本没来学校。After keeping company for one year, Mary and John decided to marry.玛丽和约翰谈了一年恋爱之后决定结婚。Mary was hopping anxiously from one foot to another.玛丽交换着左右脚急急地单足跳行。Mary put the evil eye on her and she fell into a decline and died.玛丽对她施邪眼,她就变得身体衰弱然后死掉了。Mary made a paper boat.玛丽做了一只纸船。Mary got up to go after them, but I put out my arm to restrain her.玛丽站起来追他们,我张开手臂拦住了她。Mary put on too much face powder.玛丽脸上搽了过多的粉。Mary is an appalling cook.玛丽的烹饪功夫实在蹩脚。Mary is after a better job.玛丽在寻找一个更好的工作。Mary's the last person you'd expect to be stopped for drunk driving你怎么也想不到玛丽会因为酒后驾车而被警察拦住。Mary knew she could twist Henry round her little finger.玛丽知道她能让亨利对她千依百顺。Mary has carried on the family tradition of giving away plants.玛丽承袭了向别人赠送植物的家族传统。Mary was desperately looking forward to her retirement, which was less than a year off.玛丽急切地等着退休,还有一年不到的时间。I left the boys in Mary's charge.我把男孩子们交给玛丽看管。Their problems are compounded by the fact that Mary's just lost her job.他们的困难因玛丽刚刚失业而变得更加严重了。Mary goes in for blue rather a lot.玛丽很喜欢蓝色。Mary has never improved on her first book.玛丽再也没有写出比她处女作更好的书来。Mary was very thin with a red and white complexion.玛丽很瘦,脸色白里透红。Soon Mary discovered she had married a miser.不久,玛丽发现她嫁给了一个守财奴。Mary sailed in with a story about her first job.玛丽兴致勃勃地讲起有关她第一份工作的故事。Grab that waiter, Mary Ann.玛丽·安,叫那位侍者过来。Mary sends you her very best wishes/regards.玛丽向您致以最美好的祝愿/最诚挚的问候。Mary kept her illness secret, even from family members.玛丽一直隐瞒病情,连家人都不知道。Her name in religion is Sister Mary.她的道名是玛丽嬷嬷。In tonight's show we hear Chris Toole in conversation with the artist Mary Withers.在今晚的节目中,我们将听到克里斯・图尔博士和艺术家玛丽・威瑟斯的谈话。I was amazed to discover that Mary's husband and Jane's son are one and the same (person).我惊奇地发现玛丽的丈夫就是简的儿子。For Christians, the Virgin Mary is a symbol of purity.对基督徒来说,圣母马利亚是贞洁的象征。Where's Mary today? I hope she's not sick again.玛丽今天在哪里?我希望她别又生病了。Mary was pulling nervously at her hair.玛丽不安地拉扯着自己的头发。On many issues John and Mary found themselves seriously at odds.约翰和玛丽发现他们在很多问题上意见严重分歧。Mary pranked herself up in her best.玛丽穿上最漂亮的衣服把自己打扮起来。Mary is worried about her family and everything.玛丽担心她的家人还有一切的一切。He was always lecherous about Mary.他老是挑逗玛丽。Mary was a great solace to me after Arthur died.阿瑟死后玛丽就是我最大的安慰。




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