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词汇 marvel
例句 Ellington's work habits were a marvel to all.所有人都对埃林顿的工作习惯感到惊讶。My grandfather is a marvel; he goes hunting at his age.我祖父真了不得,一大把年纪了还去打猎。Oh, Tom, you're a marvel! How did you do it?哦,汤姆,你真了不起! 你当时是怎么干的?I never cease to marvel at his stupidity.他的愚蠢总是让我啧啧称奇。One can only marvel at the way the building has been constructed.人们对这栋建筑的构筑方式深感叹服。It was a marvel that the floor never gave way.令人惊讶的是地板居然从未塌陷。That boy is a marvel! 那个小男孩儿太棒了!Visitors can marvel at the enormous range of locomotives and original wooden carriages.参观者可能对形形色色的火车头以及最初的木制车厢感到惊奇。The computer is a marvel of modern science.电脑是现代科学的一个奇迹。We all secretly marvel at his skill.我们都为他的技能暗自叹服。Aiden couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of the plan.艾登禁不住惊叹于这份计划的简明。Visitors to Rome marvel over the beauty of the city.到罗马的游客都对这座城市的美丽赞叹不已。This miniature phone is the latest technological marvel from Japan.这台微型电话是日本最新的科技奇迹。The bridge is a marvel of engineering. = The bridge is an engineering marvel.这座桥是个工程奇迹。It is a marvel of engineering and human endeavour.这是工程学的奇迹,也是人类拼搏进取的奇迹。




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