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例句 Bowls is one of the most popular sports in the UK .草地滚球是英国最流行的运动之一。Fashions come and go but the long dress is always popular.时装不断变化,但长的洋装却永远受到青睐。Contrary to popular belief, the economy is doing well.与一般的看法相反,经济运行情况其实还不错。By popular demand, the play will run for another week.应广大观众要求,这部戏将再演一星期。She is too popular with the public to find much favour with the critics.她太受公众喜爱了,却不大受评论界青睐。The most popular items are located toward the back of the store.最受欢迎的产品放在靠近商店最里面的地方。She's irreverent, fun and hugely popular.她不惧权威,幽默风趣,很受欢迎。The union's message is popular with the rank and file.联合会的讯息很受广大成员的欢迎。He is popular with left-wingers in the party.他受党内左翼成员的喜爱。Companies try to identify the most popular search terms.公司试图找到最流行的搜索用语。He wonders why his most popular songs are always the ones he spends the least time on.他想知道为什么他最流行的歌曲总是那些他用最少时间完成的歌曲。Her easy-going nature made her popular.她生性随和,受人欢迎。The show is extremely popular, especially with the young.这个节目极受欢迎,尤其是年轻人爱看。For centuries, quilting and patchwork have been popular needlecrafts.几个世纪以来,绗缝和拼布一直是备受欢迎的缝纫技巧。There are growing signs of more broadly-based popular unrest.越来越多的迹象表明,民众骚乱呈现扩大化趋势。They feel they have to dress just so to be popular.他们觉得要想受欢迎,自己就得穿成那样。Ice cream is always popular with children.冰激凌一直是孩子们爱吃的东西。All modern popular music has an umbilical cord link back to blues and R and B.所有现代流行音乐都和布鲁斯以及节奏布鲁斯有着密不可分的联系。The government seemed to be in tune with the popular mood.政府似乎和民众的情绪是一致的。It quickly became the most popular men's fragrance in the world.它很快成为世界上最受欢迎的男士香水。The advertising industry's use of classic songs is vandalism of popular culture, he said.他说,广告业利用经典歌曲是对大众文化的糟蹋。They like to travel, but they're conformists who go to only the most popular destinations.他们喜欢旅行,但总是随大流,只去那些最热门的旅游地。She has published articles in both learned journals and popular magazines.她在学术刊物和流行杂志上都发表过文章。Harry Potter fans have joined with members of fandoms from other popular books.哈利•波特迷们跟其他流行书籍爱好者会合在一起。The area was a popular tourist haunt.此地是游客常来之处。The caféwas popular with locals, and not with the more respectable locals at that.那家咖啡馆很受当地人欢迎,不过不包括当地那些更有身份的人。The most popular dances were the barn dance, the quickstep, and the foxtrot.最受欢迎的舞蹈是谷仓舞、快步舞和狐步舞。This is the company's most popular computer, but they also do a less expensive model.这是这家公司最畅销的电脑,不过他们还有一款较便宜的机型。She grew up in the shadow of her very popular sister. 她从小生活在姐姐的光环之下。Do-it-yourself is the nation's most popular pastime.自己动手是该国最流行的消遣活动。In its previous incarnation as a sushi bar, the restaurant wasn't particularly popular.这家餐馆以前是寿司店时,不是特别受欢迎。This discovery seems to validate the claims of popular astrology.这个发现似乎能印证流行占星术的一些说法。Her charm of manner made her very popular.她迷人的风度使她深受欢迎。His theories have been reduced in a popular treatise.他的各种理论被总括在一篇通俗的论文中。The club's so popular, we have to turn people away every night.俱乐部非常受欢迎,每天晚上我们都不得不回绝一些人。Reading was one of the most popular leisure activities.阅读是最常见的消闲活动之一。Kirkland is an especially popular figure in the gay community.柯克兰是一个在同性恋圈子中特别受欢迎的人物。Vanilla is the most popular flavor while chocolate is/finishes/runs a close second.香草味的最受欢迎,巧克力味的紧随其后,位居第二。They seem to be getting quite popular.他们好像开始受到人们的喜爱。The popular schools tend to be heavily oversubscribed.那些热门学校常常让人挤破头。




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