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词汇 向下
例句 To be a good manager, you must know how to devolve responsibility downwards.要成为一名优秀的经理就必须懂得如何向下放权。He peered down the height upon which the university was planted.他从这所大学所处的高处向下望去。We came to a path winding downwards through the trees.我们来到一条向下盘绕穿过树林的小径。When the mist descends it comes quickly and covers everything.雾气向下弥漫时来得很快,瞬间遮住了一切。The peace process has failed to filter down to street level.和平进程未能向下透露给普通民众。They circled down and lighted on the ground underneath, hopping a little.它们盘旋向下,落在地上,跳了几步。She was halfway down when she heard the noise.向下走到一半时听到了那个响声。She tightened her grip on the handlebars as she coasted down the hill.从山上向下滑行时她紧紧抓住车把手。The road angled down toward the river.那条路斜着向下通往河边。Fold the raw edge of the fabric under.将这块料子的毛边向下折叠起来。We began a steady downhill run.我们开始一路向下跑去。The hawk swooped down and seized the rabbit.老鹰突然向下猛扑并抓住了兔子。The downward pressure on my chest became more intense.我胸口上向下的压力更重了。He took a few experimental steps forward, then carefully took the descending steps.他向前试探地走了几步,然后小心翼翼地向下走去。The road was angled down toward the river.那条路斜着向下通往河边。He threw up the window and yelled down to her.他猛地向上推开窗,向下冲她大喊。She reached down, touching her toes with opposite hands…她弯腰向下,左右手交叉触及脚趾。The hawk swooped and soared away carrying something.那只鹰向下猛冲,抓住东西后又展翅高飞了。The bomber knifed downward.轰炸机向下划过。The rocky cliffs plunge into the swirling rapids below.岩石峭壁陡然向下,伸入下面的漩涡急流中。The kid stuck his hands down into his pockets.这个孩子把双手向下插进口袋。She gazed downwards.向下凝视。The road descends to the dunes.这条路向下通往沙丘。The aircraft appeared to dive vertically towards the crowd.这架飞机似乎在垂直向下朝人群俯冲。When you paint, you should start at the top and work your way down.油漆时应该从顶部开始,然后向下刷漆。They passed the leaflets along, taking one each.他们把传单向下分发,每人拿一份。The human spine tapers off at its base.人的脊柱向下逐渐变细。A man waved down at me from the deck.一个人从甲板上向下朝我挥手。 A narrow steep path leads down into a valley and up the far side.一条狭窄陡峭的小径向下伸进山谷,又从山谷的那一边向上延伸。The stairs descended into the tunnel.楼梯向下通入地道。She poured the liquid down the tube.她顺着管子向下倒入液体。The corners of his mouth turned down.他的嘴角向下耷拉。They leaned over the rails and peered down into the dizzying chasm below.他们靠在栏杆上向下凝视令人眩晕的深渊。One of his hands stroked down the smooth wood on the chair arm.他一只手沿着座椅把手上的光滑木头向下抚摸。Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.双手置于肩上,肘部向上、向后、向下做圆圈运动。The statue was gently lowered back into place.雕像被轻轻地向下放回原位。The down arrow indicates rain.向下的箭头表示有雨。The cliff drops almost vertically.悬崖几乎是垂直向下Roots grow downwards from the stem.树根由茎部向下生长。He held his knife right-handed, blade down.他右手持刀,刀刃向下




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