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词汇 popped
例句 The logs crackled and popped in the fireplace.木柴在壁炉里烧得噼啪作响。Viktor popped the boot on the Renault.维克托啪的一下打开了雷诺汽车的后备箱。The suitcase/lid popped open.手提箱/盖子突然打开了。She watched as the bubbles rose to the surface and popped.她看着泡泡升上水面,然后破裂。Where has she popped off to?她匆匆忙忙到那里去了? Champagne corks popped as we celebrated our victory.我们庆祝胜利时香槟酒瓶塞砰砰地被打开。The starlet's left breast popped out as she obliviously waved to photographers.那名崭露头角的女明星无意识地向摄影师挥手时,左胸突然露了出来。She picked a berry and popped it into her mouth.她摘了颗草莓,飞快地放进嘴里。Then Jeff's head popped up right beside the boat.这时,杰夫的头突然从船侧冒出来。The music played and champagne corks popped.音乐声响起,香槟酒砰砰地打开了。She popped a sweet into her mouth and sucked thoughtfully.她往嘴里扔了块糖,若有所思地咂着。The bottle popped when I opened it.我打开瓶子时,瓶口发出砰的一声。I didn't mean to say that—it just popped out.我本无意谈此事,只是脱口而出。They popped off to Spain for a few days.他们突然离开,去西班牙待了几天。She was startled when Lisa popped up at the door all smiles.当莉萨满脸堆笑地出现在门口时,她大吃一惊。His shoulder popped out of its socket.他的肩膀脱臼了。The wood sizzled and popped in the fire.木头在火中时而发出咝咝声,时而噼啪作响。I just popped in for a quick drink.我只是顺路过来小酌一杯。Your name has popped up from time to time.你的名字时不时地蹦出来。He popped the child on the jaw.他猛击孩子的颌部。They popped a question at me.他们冷不防向我提了一个问题。The words "Hard disk failure - program aborted" popped up on the screen.“硬盘故障——程序终止”这几个字突然出现在屏幕上。The batter popped up to the second baseman.击球手击了个小腾空球,飞向二垒手。A funny thought just popped into my head. 我脑子里突然冒出一个有趣的想法。The batter popped out. 击球手打出的小腾空球被对方接住,他因此出局。He popped out to buy a pint of milk.他匆匆出门去买一品脱牛奶。The child popped two bars of chocolate into his mouth.孩子一下子把两块巧克力塞进嘴里。She popped the trunk and we tossed the stuff inside.她打开行李箱,我们就把东西扔了进去。She popped her baby into the nursery.她把孩子往托儿所一放。One of the buttons popped off my sweater.我毛衣上的一颗纽扣突然崩掉了。Some difficulties have just popped up.现在又突然冒出来一些困难。I popped a grape into my mouth.我往嘴里扔了一颗葡萄。She popped on a comfy old dressing gown when she got up.她起床时穿上了一件舒服的旧晨衣。He popped in to say hello.他匆匆进来说声你好。Marianne got a couple of mugs and popped a tea bag into each one.玛丽安娜拿来几个大杯子,麻利地在每个杯子里放入一个茶包。The waiter popped the corks on the champagne.侍者砰的一声拔出了香槟酒瓶的软木塞。The cathedral suddenly popped into view. 那座大教堂突然出现在眼前。The boy popped a piece of gum into his mouth.那男孩把一块口香糖塞进嘴里。All at once an idea popped into her head.她脑子里突然冒出一个念头。My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show.看到展示的种类丰富的食物,我眼睛都瞪圆了。




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