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例句 Michael kept up a brave front both to the world and in his home.迈克尔对外界和家人都表现出一副勇敢的样子。The agent posed as a consultant until someone blew her cover.在身份暴露之前,这位女特工对外声称是顾问。Adult education is run in cooperation with the extra-mural departments of the universities.成人教育是和大学对外教学部合办的。It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.不久它就可以上市,按照我们与你商定的条款进行销售,重申一遍,这些条款尽量不要对外公开。She is responsible for the company's publicity.她负责公司的对外宣传。The castle has been put up for sale.该城堡已经对外出售。The findings of the commission have not yet been made public.委员会的调查结果还没有对外公布。Don't advertise the fact that you're looking for another job.不要对外宣扬你正在另找工作。The safety officer has closed this room to the public.保安对外关闭了这个房间。The official reason given for the President's absence was sickness.对外公布的总统未到场原因是身体有恙。If they're criticized, they tend to close ranks.要是遭遇批评,他们便会团结一致对外He was an EFL teacher in London.他是伦敦的一名对外英语教师。They had little trust for outsiders.他们对外人很不信任。The castle has been put up for sale.该城堡已对外出售。The report will soon be made available to the public.这份报告将很快对外公布。The Romanian government yesterday unveiled a new, scaled-down security force.罗马尼亚政府昨天对外公布了精简编制后新组建的安全部队的情况。A good estate agent will know the best ways to publicize the fact that your home is for sale.一个好的房产经纪人知道如何用最好的办法来对外宣传你的住房要出售。How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out.如何对外资管理者进行补偿还有待磋商。The inhabitants of these remote mountain villages tend to be very suspicious of newcomers.这些偏远山村的居民往往对外来的人疑心重重。To the uninitiated, this will make little sense.对外行来说,这并无什么意义。The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip.英国广播公司对外电视频道的新闻节目播放了同样的电影剪辑片段。She made it clear that her comments were strictly off the record.她说得很清楚,她的这些评论绝不许对外公布。Despite the disagreements, they managed to present a united front.尽管有争议,他们对外还是尽量摆出一幅团结的姿态。In the summer the academy will exhibit several prints that are rarely seen.该学会将于今年夏天对外展出几幅罕见的版画作品。The office is open at set hours during the week.办公室每周固定时间对外办公。They were loftily indifferent to the world outside.他们对外界漠不关心。The university administrators ignored criticism from outside.大学的行政官员对外界的批评置若罔闻。The school organizes a foreign exchange to France.这所学校组织去法国的对外交流。The President's exact itinerary was cloaked in secrecy for security reasons.出于安全原因,总统的确切行程对外保密。While most bloggers comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting.大多数的博客作者都是对外界新闻进行评论,但是有的也会自己进行报道。This social group is very clubby and unfriendly.这个社交团体很排外,对外人态度很不友好。Our office is open every day and can help you with all your general enquiries.我们的办公室每天都对外办公,提供各类普通查询帮助。Foreign investment is the problem of the moment.对外投资是当前的重要问题。A person who is anaesthetized in an operating theatre will still respond physically to an external stimulus.手术室中被麻醉的人仍然会对外界刺激产生身体反应。The business was a cover for a criminal gang.这家公司是犯罪团伙对外的一个幌子。The meeting was closed to the public.本次会议不对外公开。The plants readily respond to these stimuli.这些植物对外来刺激反应迅速。They're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs.他们对外人擅自干涉他们的事务非常愤慨。The town began to show increasing intolerance of immigrants.小镇对外来移民开始表现出越来越严重的排斥。As a cover story he generally tells people he is a freelance photographer.为掩饰身份,他一般对外称自己是一名自由摄影师。




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