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词汇 poor health
例句 Her poor health limits her earning capacity.身体不好限制了她的谋生能力。Her mother's poor health caused her considerable worry.她母亲身体状况欠佳让她相当忧虑。Their chances of survival are greatly diminished because of their poor health.由于身体不好,他们的生存机会大大减少。The report touches on the relationship between poverty and poor health.报告论及贫穷和不良健康之间的关系。Her parents were anxious about her poor health.她的父母为她健康不佳而发愁。She was troubled with poor health.她因健康不佳而苦恼。Hailey is serving a life sentence, and is reported to be in poor health.黑利在服无期徒刑,据报道身体很差。His insurance payments were rated up due to his poor health.由于他的健康状况欠佳,他应付的保险费相应提高。My father was a cripple, my mother in poor health.我父亲是个残废人,我母亲身体又不好。A spell of poor health took the edge off her performance.一度身体欠佳令她表现有失水准。He's still in poor health after his illness.他病后身体仍很虚弱。She has very poor health and isn't able to get out much at all.她身体很虚弱,根本不能经常出门。She did not make the connection between her diet and her poor health.她没有把她的饮食同她身体状况不佳联系起来。His poor health forced him away from England.健康状况不佳迫使他离开英国。They try to address social problems such as unemployment and poor health.他们试图处理诸如失业和健康状况差等社会问题。He doesn't drink alcohol on account of his poor health.出于健康原因,他不喝酒。His career was bilked by poor health.疾病毁了他的前程。The vice president is in a state of poor health.副总统健康状况不佳。She was the first to see the link between poverty and poor health.她是第一个看出贫困与健康不佳之间关系的人。The wages of poor eating is poor health.吃得不好则健康不佳。He argues that poverty is closely tied to poor health. 他论证说贫困和不良的健康状况密切相关。I was going through a patch of poor health.我那段时间健康状况不佳。His moodiness may have been caused by his poor health.他的喜怒无常可能是身体欠佳所致。His poor health worries me.他糟糕的身体状况让我很担心。They tiptoed around the subject of her poor health.他们避而不谈她身体状况糟糕的事。Although in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties.尽管身体不好,她仍继续执行任务。Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health.尽管工作繁忙,本尼却少有身体不好的时候。He has an unenviable record of poor health.他一直身体不好,这可不值得羡慕。His poor health disbarred him from further service in the army.因身体欠佳,他不能继续在军队服役。He argues that there is an inextricable link between poverty and poor health.他认为贫穷和疾病之间有着密不可分的联系。His poor health was a contributory factor in his decision to retire.体弱多病是使他决定退休的一个因素。He claims poverty is inextricably linked to poor health.他声称贫穷和疾病密不可分。




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