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词汇 arch
例句 That is an triumphal arch.那是一座凯旋门。This huge triumphal arch was erected at the beginning of this century.这座巨型凯旋门是本世纪初建造的。Passing through the arch, you enter an open courtyard.穿过拱门,你就到了天井中。The stone arch is one of the town's oldest existing structures.石拱门是该镇上现存的最古老的建筑之一。This muscle is involved in raising the longitudinal arch of the foot.这块肌肉的作用在于抬起足纵弓。Both of them looked at him with that curious, slightly amused and even arch expression.他们俩都看着他,带着一副好奇的、有点觉得好笑甚至是淘气的表情。Neither he nor his arch-rival, Giuseppe De Rita, won.他和他的死对头朱塞佩·德里察双双落败。He rode under the arch.他在拱门下骑自行车。The masonry at the crown of the arch is paler than on either curve.拱顶部分的砖石颜色比两边曲面的要淡。The premature loss of primary teeth causes shrinking of the dental arch.乳牙提前掉落会引起牙弓萎缩。 The arch had crumbled under the weight of all those stones.拱门禁不住那些石块的全部重力而坍塌了。Their attempts to be casual have so far just looked arch or patronising.他们本想做出漫不经心的样子,结果反而显得傲慢自大或自视甚高。He's always been an arch-opponent of the project.他一直是这个计划最强硬的反对者。Blanche's grey eyes gazed at Foker with an arch twinkle.布兰茜那对灰色眼睛滴溜溜的,露出调皮的闪光,瞧着福克。One of the most suitable places for a rose arch is the front garden, where the tallness of the arch brings a sense of intimacy.最合适搭建玫瑰拱门的地方之一就是房前花园;在那里,拱门的高度会营造出一种亲密感。Tree branches formed a leafy arch over the road.树枝在道路上方形成了绿叶密布的拱形。There are timber arch braces above the front doors.前门上方有木拱支撑。Their casual behaviour just looks arch or patronizing.他们那种随意的做派给人的印象就是高高在上,或者说是屈尊俯就。The branches of the trees formed an arch over the bench.树枝交错,在长椅上方形成一个拱形。He went under a brick arch.他穿过一个砖砌的拱门。You can buy specially shaped bricks for an arch.砌拱门可以去买异型砖。They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard.他们穿过拱门走进铺着鹅卵石的院子。The novel is never mocking or arch in its tone.这部小说从来不使用嘲讽或说教的语调。The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as fruit.葡萄藤整修成拱形,既能遮荫又能结果。The round arch is thought to belong to an earlier period.这种弧形拱门被认为是较早期的建筑。The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar's victory over Pompey.凯旋门用于纪念恺撒击败庞培,得胜而归。The boat floated through the arch of the trees towards the bridge.小船穿过两岸的树木向小桥漂去。She giggled and gave me an arch look.她咯咯笑着,朝我做了个调皮的表情。Then we'll arch the dance floor with balloons.接着,我们会把气球摆成拱形装饰舞池。The arch bears the weight of the bridge above.桥拱支撑着整座桥的重量。Don't arch your back, keep your spine straight.别佝着背,把腰挺直。The deep palmar arch is a network of arteries in the palm.掌深弓是掌动脉的网络。There was a slight arch to her eyebrows.她微皱着眉头。Ever since I married Robert's ex-girlfriend, he's been my arch-enemy.自从我娶了罗伯特的前任女友后,他就成了我的头号敌人。They considered him their arch opponent.他们将他看成是主要对手。




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