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词汇 arc
例句 The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.阿留申群岛是北太平洋上一长串呈弧形排列的岛屿。He raised his eyebrows in a quizzical arc.他扬起双眉,做出一副疑问的表情。The sun moves across the sky in an arc.太阳在天空中以弧线方式运行。The river describes an almost perfect arc across their land.这条河以一个近乎完美的弧形穿过他们的土地。The mountains formed an arc around the north of the city.山脉沿城市北部形成一个弧形。He bent the twig into an arc.他把嫩枝弯成一个弧形。An arc is a part of the circumference of a circle or other curved lines.弧是圆周或曲线的一部分。They fired shells in a high arc over our heads.他们发射的炮弹在我们头顶划出一个超大的弧。His pass described a perfect arc through the leaden sky.他的传球在阴沉的天空中划出了一道完美的弧线。The offices extend in an arc around north London.办公楼沿伦敦北部呈弧状延伸。He swung his torch round in a wide arc.他晃动火把画着大弧线。The iron rod supporting the valances was bent in an arc.挂窗帘上部短幔的铁棍弯成了个弓形。The jet trail formed a perfect arc in the sky.喷气式飞机的飞行轨迹在空中形成一个完美的弧形。The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.阿留申群岛是北太平洋上一长串呈弧形排列的小岛。The islands lie in a wide arc just off the mainland.这些岛屿呈一个大大的弧形分布在离大陆不远的地方。His arm described an arc in the air.他的手臂在空中划出一道弧形。The ball floated in a high arc.球在空中划出一道高高的弧线。The ring, which was of metal, rolled in a drunken arc.金属环歪歪斜斜地呈弧形滚动。




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