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词汇 Poor
例句 Poor visibility made skiing extremely hazardous.能见度差,滑雪非常危险。Poor chap, he was clearly in dire straits financially.可怜的家伙,他显然是在经济上陷入困境了。Poor old Spot had to be put to sleep.可怜的老斯波特不得不被注射药物而无痛苦地死去。Poor dog! He looks half-starved.好可怜的狗!它看上去像吃不饱似的。Poor marketing can cheapen a brand name.拙劣的市场营销可能会败坏一个品牌的名声。Poor diet can stunt a child's growth.糟糕的饮食会阻碍儿童的发育。Poor man, I don't think he knew what hit him.可怜的人,我想他是惊呆了。Poor organization was certainly a contributory factor to the crisis.组织不善肯定是导致危机的因素之一。Poor assimilation of vitamins and nutrients can cause health problems.对维生素和营养的吸收不良均可能导致健康问题。Poor Ann has the mother-in-law from hell.可怜的安有个特别讨厌的婆婆。Poor thing, she must be having a rotten time just now.可怜的人,她现在一定很难受。Poor Jane was in rather a spin about the party.可怜的简对这次聚会有点不知所措。Poor hygiene encourages the spread of disease.恶劣的卫生状况助长了疾病的传播。Poor farming practices impoverished the soil.不合理的耕作方式使土壤贫瘠。The manufacturers pressed successfully for the amendment of the Poor Law.在制造商的敦促下,《济贫法》得以修订。Poor profits dull desire to spend funds.低利润削弱投资欲望。Poor living conditions and TB go together.恶劣的生活条件和肺结核密切相关。Poor quality housing often leads to health problems.质量差的居住环境常常引起健康问题。Poor kid, he's had a rough day.可怜的孩子,他度过了倒霉的一天。Poor service affected the waiters' pocketbook.差劲的服务影响了侍者的收入。Poor families suffer disproportionately from asthma.贫困家庭患上哮喘病的人数更多。Poor work conditions are all the more reason to find another job.恶劣的工作环境使得人们更加有理由另找工作。Poor standards of hygiene mean that the disease spreads fast.糟糕的卫生状况意味着疾病会快速传播。Poor little lamb!可怜的小宝贝!Poor planning was a major factor in the company's failure.计划不周全是公司失败的一个主要原因。Poor old Diane, she really wanted that job.可怜的黛安娜,她真的很想得到那份工作。Poor Dr Pegler got terribly behindhand with his appointments.可怜的佩格勒博士大大落后于当初的约定。Poor lighting is often incriminated in eyestrain.人们常把眼疲劳归咎于照明不足。Poor posture can lead to muscular problems.不良的姿势可能会导致肌肉问题。Poor Iris is all in. I think we should take her home.可怜的艾丽斯累得筋疲力尽了。我想我们该把她带回家。Poor education condemns many young people to low-paid jobs.缺乏教育致使许多年轻人只能干些低收入的工作。Poor digestion can be caused by defective mastication of the food in the mouth.消化不良可能是由于嘴里的食物没有充分咀嚼的缘故。Poor old Jade, she can't do a thing right.可怜的老杰德,她一件事也做不好。Poor sales are symptomatic of a poor economy.销量不好是经济萎靡的征兆。Poor living conditions breed violence and despair.贫困的生活条件滋生暴力和绝望情绪。Poor posture can cause neck ache, headaches and breathing problems.姿势不当会导致颈部疼痛、头痛和呼吸困难。Poor housing and family stress can affect both physical and mental health.住房条件差、家庭压力大会影响身心两方面的健康。Poor Emily. Her kinsfolk should come to her.可怜的埃米莉,她的亲人应该到她这来。Poor people have to suffer a lot of red tape to get welfare.穷人必须忍受一大堆繁琐的手续才能申请到社会福利。Poor eyesight is a handicap to a student.视力差对学生来说是一个障碍。




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