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Adding extra fabrics and linens is one of the easiest ways to accessorize your bedroom.增加点织物是装饰卧室最简单的办法。We need to devise some sort of system whereby people can liaise with each other.我们需要设计一套办法,人们能够借以互相保持联络。Can anyone suggest a method of deterring spiders which is ecologically sound?有人能想出一种不会破坏生态环境而又能够赶跑蜘蛛的办法吗?He quickly assessed what alternatives were open to him.他迅速估计了一下他有哪些办法可以采用。I've finally figured a way to manage my time better.我终于想出一种更好地管理时间的办法。Leaving the burn open to the air is the quickest way to heal it up.让灼伤处裸露是使它愈合的最快办法。We went along with Eva's idea, since no one could think of a better one.我们同意了伊娃的办法,因为没有人能想出更好的主意来。He sought for an adequate solution to the problem.他寻求解决这个问题的适当办法。She thought waiting was best. = She thought that the best thing to do was to wait. = She thought that it was best to wait.她认为等待是最好的办法。I believe they sincerely want to find a peaceful solution to the dispute.我相信他们是真心想要寻找一个和平解决争端的办法。His only recourse was to resign.他唯一的办法是辞职。There's no quick fix for stopping pollution.阻止污染不能用应付的办法。You'll have to park any old way you can.不管用什么办法,你得把车停好。Isn't there something you can do about your snoring?就没有什么办法让你睡觉时不打鼾吗?There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's economic malaise.没有什么办法在短期内就可以轻易解决英国的经济问题。The city council has to find a better way of dealing with domestic waste. One answer is to burn it.市议会必须想出更好的办法来处理家居垃圾问题,其中一个办法就是焚烧。There is no quick fix to the breakdown in negotiations between the two companies.这两家公司谈判失败,对此并没有什么即时解决的办法。The government claims this is the only way to staunch the annual flow to Germany of hundreds of thousands of refugees.政府称这是阻止每年数十万难民涌入德国的唯一办法。A musician usually has his own interpretation of a piece of music.乐师对一支乐曲通常有自己的艺术处理办法。He grew suicidal, thinking up ways to end it all.他萌生了自杀的念头,想出各种自我了断的办法。The better plan is to peel them after boiling.更好的办法是将它们煮过后再剥皮。Do you know any cures for snoring?你知道有什么办法能治打呼噜吗?If you want to change your doctor there are two ways of doing it.你要是想换个医生,办法有两个。There is no other way whereby we can cross the river.我们没有别的办法过河。Here, girls are often forced into prostitution because they have no other means of earning money.这里的女孩子常常被逼得要卖淫,因为她们没有其他办法赚钱。We need to stop parceling out the blame for this problem and start working on a solution.在这个问题上,我们不能再忙于推卸责任了,而应寻求解决的办法。Drug treatment should only be used as a last resort.药物治疗只能作为最后的办法。Andy wished that he could think of a way of helping.安迪希望他能想出帮忙的办法。He's a past master at finding ways to get out of trouble.他很擅长找出摆脱困境的办法。We have no alternative but to dismiss you.我们只好辞退你,别无其他办法。Although the causes of cancer are being uncovered, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.虽然癌症的病因正被逐步揭开,但我们尚未有任何切实可行的办法来预防它。Management is looking at ways of cutting costs.管理层正在考虑削减成本的办法。The state has got to find some way to balance these two needs.国家必须找出平衡这两种需求的办法。You could legitimately argue that the best way to bring down pollution levels is to ban cars completely.你可以正当地提出理由,说明减少污染的最佳办法就是完全禁止使用汽车。The only way we can really put things right is by borrowing even more money.要想使情况真正恢复正常,唯一的办法就是借更多的钱。Both sides are going to have to work together to find other ways of settling their differences.双方必须共同努力,找出其他办法来解决分歧。What's the best way to relieve stress?缓解压力最好的办法是什么?There has to be a solution between these extremes.在这两个极端之间应该有一个解决的办法。It seemed a way out from the mess I'd got myself into.这似乎是从我自己制造的麻烦中脱身的办法。The city authorities are trying to work out a practical solution to the problem of homelessness.市政府正在设法制定一个切实可行的办法,以解决无家可归者的问题。 |