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The prose of his official communications was so laboured, pompous and verbose.他写的公文矫揉造作、华而不实并且冗长啰嗦。The pompous ass is puffed up by too much money.这头自以为了不起的蠢驴因为钱多而趾高气扬。They act like a couple of pompous/pretentious asses.他们表现得就像一对傲慢/自命不凡的蠢驴。He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities.他多少有些自负,对自己的能力自视甚高。He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.他常不招人待见,而且被看作是个自负的大傻帽儿。He's a pompous old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.他是个傲慢自负的老头,根本开不起玩笑。Milligan had a pompous, overbearing father.米利根有个自负、专横的父亲。The knight looked pompous in his glories of plumes.骑士帽缀彩羽,一副虚荣得意的样子。The service was grand without being pompous.仪式场面宏大而不过分讲究排场。She found him pompous and annoying.她觉得他自负而且讨厌。!The style was too pompous and dry for a children's book.这种风格对于儿童书籍来说有点过于浮华生硬。It was the sort of pompous comment I expected from somebody so superior.那正是我意料中身居如此高位的人会说的那种虚夸的大话。The document was sententious and pompous.这份文件一味说教,华而不实。He came over well — perhaps a little pompous, but nevertheless honest and straightforward.他给人的印象很好,可能显得有点自大,不过还是很诚实和直率。She found it difficult to talk about her achievements without sounding pompous.她发现在谈论自己的成就时很难不让人感觉是在炫耀。I dislike his pompous demeanor.我讨厌他那种爱摆架子的样子。He never sounds pompous or pedagogical.他讲起话来从不自大,也不教条。He was a pompous ass.他是个自负的傻瓜。The article was pompous and dismissed completely everybody else's opinions.这篇文章夸大其词,对别人的观点全然不予理会。 |