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词汇 poised
例句 She walked along with a water jug poised on her head.她头上稳稳地顶着水罐走去。Mark poised his pen above the paper.马克小心地把笔放在纸上。If the trial were evenly poised the newspapers might tip the balance against them.如果审讯中规中矩,报纸则可能对他们不利。She was poised to challenge for the party leadership.她已准备好竞争党内领导地位。Two guards stood poised with their hands on their guns.两名守卫手持枪支,严阵以待。The bank is poised to put the cat among the pigeons this morning by slashing the cost of borrowing.今天早上银行准备大幅下调贷款利率,这将引起轩然大波。The shy little girl has grown into a poised young woman.那个羞涩的小女孩已经长成了一位从容大方的年轻女子。US forces are poised for a massive air, land and sea assault.美国军队作好了发动大规模海、陆、空攻击的准备。The company is poised for success.那家公司已做好迎接成功的准备。They were poised on the edge of success.他们马上就要取得成功了。He poised the glass on the edge of the table.他把杯子稳稳放在桌子边上。My pencil was poised over the page, ready to take down her words.我的铅笔对准了本子,随时准备记下她的话。Spain was poised to become the dominant power in Europe.西班牙已准备好成为欧洲的霸主。Masses of ice are poised at one moment and the next come crashing down.大块大块的冰空悬了一会儿,然后哗啦掉了下来。She seemed poised to take on the leadership of the country.她似乎随时准备接管这个国家的领导权。Two hours of diplomatic ping-pong hadn't touched her; she looked poised.两小时的外交论战没对她造成任何影响,她显得镇定自若。The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.这家公司看来很有把握在中国取得重大突破。The world stood poised between peace and war.世界处在和平和战争之间。Liverpool appear poised for victory in the championship match.利物浦队好像已经准备好在冠军联赛中取胜了。He stood on the edge of the roof, poised to jump.他站在房顶的边缘,准备往下跳。The actors were poised on the stage, ready for the curtain to come up.演员们在台上摆好姿势,只等大幕开启。The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.该公司看来很有把握在中国市场取得重大突破。Clearly, the situation remains delicately poised.很明显,局势依然一触即发。Peter hesitated, his hand poised above the telephone.彼得将手悬在电话上方,犹豫着。Britain was poised to fly medical staff to the country at short notice.英国随时准备把医护人员空运到该国。Japan was poised to become the biggest foreign investor in Vietnam.日本已经准备好成为越南的第一大外国投资者了。She was self-assured, poised, almost self-satisfied.她自信、沉着,几乎有些洋洋自得。This may signal that the economy is poised to rebound.这可能预示着经济即将反弹。He is now poised to become the next big star in country music.他已准备好成为乡村音乐的下一个巨星。She poised her fork and gave him a knowing look.她停下餐叉,会意地朝他看一眼。Kournikova is poised to rewrite the tennis history books.库尔尼科娃决心改写网球史。He poised himself on the diving-board.他在跳板上站稳。Many institutions are poised to unload poor performers.很多机构准备解雇业绩不佳的人员。The bank is poised to put the cat among the pigeons this morning by slashing the cost of borrowing.银行今晨大幅削减借款利率,这势必会引起激烈争论。She held the pencil poised over/above the paper.她在纸上方拿着笔做准备。This band, once only known to a few, is now finally poised to take the world by storm.这个曾经只为少数人所知的乐队现在终于要让全世界为之倾倒了。He studied the keyboard carefully, one finger poised.他仔细研究了键盘,一个手指随时准备敲击。His manner was perfectly poised between gravity and teasing.他的言谈举止既不严肃,又非调侃,真是恰到好处。Abigail walked to the microphone, poised and confident.阿比盖尔走向麦克风,镇定而充满自信。He seemed to be poised on the edge of Hollywood success.他好像马上就要在好莱坞立足扬名了。




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