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词汇 technological
例句 They are in the vanguard of technological advance.他们是技术发展的先导。Society has entered a technological phase of evolution.社会已进入技术革新阶段。I rely heavily on Mike to keep me up to date with technological developments.我了解最新技术发展主要靠的是迈克。His expertise will be invaluable to understanding technological challenges the BBC is facing.他的专业知识对于了解英国广播公司面临的技术挑战是很有价值的。The jobs have been made redundant by technological advance.这些职业工种因技术的发展而变得多余。Commoditization is a natural outcome of competition and technological advance.商品化是竞争和技术进步的自然结果。The last decade saw many technological advances.近十年来有许多技术在进步。This new computer is a technological wonder.这台新计算机是一个技术奇迹。These high expectations are based on the fast pace of technological developments.这些很高的预期以高速的科学技术发展为基础。A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐。The technological revolution has failed to improve the lives of poor people in developing countries.在发展中国家,技术革命未能改善穷人的生活。It's very short-sighted of the government not to invest in technological research.政府不在技术研究方面进行投资,实在是目光短浅。As with many technological revolutions, you are unlikely to be aware of it.就像诸多的技术革命一样,你可能不太会注意到它。I think Israel tends to be at the leading edge of technological development.我认为以色列在技术发展领域往往处于最前沿。There has been a technological revolution in the printing industry.印刷业发生了一次技术革命。Many technological advances/developments/changes in medicine have taken place over the past decade.十年来医学技术有了很大进步/发展/变化。The company has developed a reputation as a technological laggard in the personal-computer arena.该公司在个人电脑领域因技术落后遭人诟病。He described the technological backup required for the mission.他说明了这项任务所需的技术支持。Schools must be alive to technological change.学校必须意识到技术的变化。We should pump fund into technological projects.我们应该把大量资金投入技术项目。Companies are finding it hard to cope with the quickening pace of technological change.各家公司都发现科技的日新月异让他们难以应付。Women are interested in the car's technological aspects just as much as men are.对于汽车技术方面的问题,女人和男人一样感兴趣。The industry needs to look for technological solutions to their problems.该行业需寻求技术手段解决他们的问题。Many of these technological products have only a very short life cycle.这些技术产品的生命期都很短。Nicky reports to me on any new developments in the relevant technological fields.相关技术领域里的任何新发展尼基都向我汇报。Skills which have been made redundant by technological advance.由于技术进步而变得多余的技术。Developments in computer chip design are at the cutting edge of the technological revolution.电脑芯片设计的开发走在了科技革命的前沿。The design incorporates the most recent technological advances.这一设计融合了最新的科技成果。The discovery marks a significant technological advance.这项发现标志着一次重大的技术进步。Nowadays, no company can afford to be caught napping by a technological development.如今没有哪家公司能承受因技术发展带来的令人措手不及的后果。It is wrong to assume that technological advance brings a higher quality of life.认为科技的进步能提高生活质量是错误的。Will technological advances drive up unemployment?技术的发展会增加失业人数吗? This miniature phone is the latest technological marvel from Japan.这台微型电话是日本最新的科技奇迹。All the latest technological innovations of cinema were used to create the special effects.最近所有的电影技术革新都用来创造特别效果。It's a technological achievement that is unrivalled in the classical world.这是古典时期一项无可匹敌的技术成果。It demonstrates a major technological breakthrough.这标志着一次重要的技术突破。There is a growing literature on technological changes in developing countries.关于发展中国家技术进步的文献越来越多。We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological change.我们得让工人学习新技能,以应对巨大的技术变革。




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