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词汇 pointless
例句 Speculating like that was always a pointless exercise, but he did it nevertheless.做那种推测从来就是无意义的,但他还是做了。It seemed pointless to go any further.继续往前看来没有意思了。Given his open hostility, it seemed pointless to try and continue to persuade him.他既然公开反对,再继续劝说看来是没有意义了。It's pointless telling her to clean her room – she'll never do it.叫她打扫房间毫无意义,她永远也不会去干的。I knew it would be pointless to expect any help from his direction.我知道期望得到他的帮助是没有意义的。It would be pointless to try and stop him.试图阻止他是毫无意义的。It's pointless just waiting here, he's obviously not coming.在这里干等一点用处都没有,他显然不会来了。They made it perfectly clear that it was pointless to go on.他们非常明确地表示继续下去毫无意义。They made it perfectly clear that it was pointless to continue.他们非常明确地表示继续下去毫无意义。She's become so dogmatic lately that arguing with her is pointless.她最近很教条,和她争论毫无意义。Their argument got to the stage of pointless bad temper.他们的争论达到了无谓吵闹的地步。It would be pointless for us to continue the investigation.我们继续调查已经毫无意义了。He asked them all kinds of pointless questions, stalling for time.他向他们提了各种毫无意义的问题来拖延时间。She considered it pointless to plan in too much detail.她认为计划过于详细没有意义。Blind faith sent thousands of people to a pointless war.盲目的信念把成千上万的人送往一场毫无意义的战争。Most people think the project is a pointless waste of money.大部分人都认为该计划是在毫无必要地浪费金钱。His instinctive reaction was to duck when he heard the shot, even though he knew it was pointless.听见枪声他本能的反应就是一躲,即使他知道这是不相干的事。Simon was probably dead, and it was pointless to think he was coming back.西蒙很可能已经死了,认为他会回来是没有意义的。All decent people should be sickened by such a pointless waste of life.凡正派的人都会厌恶这样无谓地浪费生命。We had to change the sheets daily, which always seemed to me to be a pointless exercise.我们得每天换床单,我一直认为这是没有意义的。The film is entertaining but ultimately pointless.这部电影娱乐性较强,但说到底毫无意义。Violence is always pointless.暴力总是毫无意义。It's pointless to plan a trip—first, we can't afford one, and second, we don't have time to take one.作旅行计划毫无意义:第一,我们没有钱;第二,我们没有时间。Without an audience the performance is pointless.没有观众,表演就不成其为表演了。He made a few more pointless remarks.他又讲了些言不及义的话。The company says it is pointless to compete in the air package holiday market.该公司称,在航空包价旅游市场竞争没有意义。Life just seemed pointless to me.生活对我来说没什么意义。Any attempt to apportion blame so many years after the incident is pointless.事情发生这么多年之后,任何试图评论谁是谁非的举动都是没有意义的。It's pointless to argue with her.和她争辩没有用。This renders the project pointless.这使得该项目毫无意义。The discussion strikes me as pointless.我看这种讨论没有意义。We expend a lot of effort every day upon quite pointless activities.我们每天都在完全无意义的事情上耗费不少精力。She couldn't stand all that pointless intellectualizing about subjects that just didn't matter.她无法容忍对无关紧要的问题进行无意义的理论探讨。The programme was bitty and pointless.这个计划东拼西凑,毫无意义。In the end it proved a pointless exercise.最终证明这一行动毫无意义。I think it would be pointless to discuss this issue again.我认为再讨论这个问题没有什么用处。It's pointless to take notes and then never look at them again.记了笔记又从来不看是白费工夫。She decided it was pointless trying to work while her mind was on other things.她想清楚了,当自己心思在别的事情上时想要工作是无谓的。The negotiations have gotten nowhere, and I see no reason to continue with this pointless exercise.谈判没有任何进展,我看就没有必要继续这项毫无意义的事项了。The whole discussion was utterly pointless.整个讨论完全没有意义。




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