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They plotted to steal the painting.他们密谋盗走那幅画。It is believed that they plotted the assassination of the rebel leader.人们相信策划刺杀叛军领袖的人就是他们。The rebels plotted against the government.反叛者策画推翻政府。They plotted to kill the dictator.他们密谋刺杀那位独裁者。They plotted the new positions of each vessel.他们测定了每一条船的新位置。The generals plotted to upset the government.将军们策划推翻政府。The figures are plotted on a graph.这些数字都绘制在一幅图上。Some high-ranking officers plotted to overturn the government.有几名高级军官策划推翻政府。The killings were carefully plotted and not impulsive.谋杀是精心策划的,不是出于一时冲动。The positions of the finds are accurately plotted.图上精确地标绘出那些发现的位置。He plotted his escape.他暗中计划逃跑。She drew/plotted a graph showing the rise and fall in temperature during the month.她绘制了曲线图标出了这个月气温的升降变化。She carefully plotted her career path.她认真规划她的职业道路。Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power.军官们昨天夺权未遂。The figures are all plotted on a graph.所有数字都在图表上标出来了。Her latest book is a brilliantly plotted novel about the war.她最新的一部小说是描写战争的,情节很精彩。The investigators plotted out the airplane's route.调查人员标示出这架飞机的飞行路线。The court heard how Mrs Taylor and her lover had plotted the murder of her husband.法庭听取了泰勒太太如何与情人密谋杀害丈夫的证词。Taylor plotted with his daughter to murder her husband.泰勒与女儿策划杀害女儿的丈夫。She plotted taking him to the cleaners for every cent he had.她密谋骗光了他的每一分钱。The students plotted points on a grid.学生们在格网上标绘点。They've plotted the locations where the trees will be planted.他们标出要栽种树木的位置。They incubated sedition and plotted against Rome.他们煽动暴乱并密谋反抗罗马。Prosecutors in the trial allege the defendants plotted to overthrow the government.检方在审判中指称被告密谋推翻政府。Greenhouse temperature can be plotted against plant growth.可以用图表显示温室的温度相对于植物生长的情况。She plotted her career for the next five years.她对自己今后五年的职业发展作了规划。We've plotted our projected costs for the coming year, and they show a big increase.我们绘制出了来年的预计成本曲线,从中可以看出成本将大幅增加。Have you plotted the route for your trip yet?你标出你的旅行路线了吗?Students plotted soil temperatures on a graph throughout the school year.学生们在曲线图上标出整个学年的土壤温度。They plotted the attack in retaliation for the attack by federal agents on the camp.他们策划了这次袭击行动以报复联邦探员进攻他们的营地。The nurse plotted a chart of the patient's temperature.护士绘制了一份病人体温图。 |