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词汇 insane
例句 Agnes was a battered woman who had killed, in self-defence, while temporarily insane.阿格尼丝是个饱受虐待的女人,她在一时精神错乱的情况下出于自卫杀了人。I can't wait to get my exam results. All this waiting is driving me insane.我太急着想知道考试成绩了。这么等下去我都要发疯了。He works in an insane asylum.他在一家精神病院工作。The murderer was found to be criminally insane.杀人凶手被查出患有精神病。They received the infirm and the insane who were abandoned by their families and reviled by society.他们接纳遭到家庭抛弃、遭受世人辱骂的体弱多病者和精神病患者。It's an insane situation that I can't see any way out of.那种疯狂的局面我找不到任何缓解的途径。In the last century, mothers of illegitimate babies could be declared insane.在上个世纪,生有私生子的母亲可被定为有精神病。It makes me insane when people drive like that.人们那样开车简直把我气疯了。It would be insane not to take advantage of this opportunity.如果不抓住这一机会的话那就太荒唐了。The doctor certified him as clinically insane.医生确诊他是临床精神病患者。I couldn't decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane.我不能判定他到底是英勇无畏还是精神失常。My little brother's been driving me insane all weekend.我的小弟弟整个周末逼得我发疯。He is criminally insane, unable to stop himself from attacking women.他是个精神失常的罪犯,控制不住袭击妇女的行为。He was clearly insane.他显然精神不正常。He believes that too many defendants are escaping conviction by claiming that they are insane.他认为有很多被告通过声称精神失常而逃脱定罪。The state built institutions for those who were considered insane.国家为那些被认定精神不正常的人建立了收容机构。The psychiatrists declared the killer insane.心理医生宣称杀人犯有精神病。It would be insane to try to go camping in this kind of weather.这种天气去露营真是疯了。You're driving me nearly insane with that noise.你那个噪声快把我逼疯了。Some people simply can't take it and they just go insane.有些人完全承受不了,于是就精神错乱了。I must be going insane. I can't find my car keys anywhere.我快疯了,哪里也找不到我的汽车钥匙。He displays a fearlessness that borders on the mentally insane.他表现出一种近乎疯狂的无所畏惧。My desire to be rich was an insane, unwholesome, oppressive desire.我对财富的渴望既疯狂又病态,犹如心头的一块重石。That noise is driving me insane/crazy.那噪声快要把我逼疯了。The monotony of prison life is enough to drive anyone insane.单调的监狱生活足以使任何人发疯。He went almost insane when he heard that his daughter had died.听说女儿死去的噩耗时他几乎精神失常。The emperor was described as lustful in insane ways.这位皇帝被描写得淫荡无度。Sometimes I thought I was going insane.有时候我觉得自己快疯了。He was dumbfounded by the insane assault.他被这一荒唐的攻击搞得目瞪口呆。It's completely insane to fly in this weather.只有十足的疯子才会在这种天气飞行。She was insane with jealousy/anger.她妒忌/气得发疯。Agnes was a battered woman who had killed, in self-defense, while temporarily insane.阿格尼丝是个备受虐待的女人,她在一时精神错乱下出于自我防卫杀了人。The whole idea is totally insane.整个想法简直愚蠢透顶。This idea is totally insane.这个主意荒唐至极。He had an insane look in his eyes.他眼中流露出狂放不羁的神色。For some insane reason he decided to do the whole journey in one day.由于某种荒谬的原因,他决定仅用一天时间完成整个旅程。He must have been insane to sell his car for the mud.他竟把汽车当废品卖掉,准是疯了。An insane person is unaccountable for his actions.精神病患者对其行为不负任何责任。Conditions on the oil rig are very unpleasant. You'd go insane if you had to stay more than a month or so.石油钻台上的工作条件非常糟糕。如果要逗留一个月左右的时间,你会发疯的。The killer was declared criminally insane.这名杀人犯被判定为精神失常犯罪。




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