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词汇 insanity
例句 She avoided jail by pleading insanity.她以有精神病为由而免于入狱。He was found not guilty by reason of insanity. 他因为精神错乱而被判无罪。She was found not guilty by reason of insanity.她因精神失常被判无罪。His lawyer got him off on an insanity plea.他的律师以精神失常为由成功地为他作了无罪辩护。At the murder trial, he pleaded insanity.在谋杀案审理中,他辩称自己精神失常。Congress has one option to stop this insanity.议会有一个办法阻止这一疯狂行为。He saw the beginnings of insanity in her.他在她身上看到了精神错乱的征兆。He murdered his wife but got off on a plea of insanity.他谋杀了自己的妻子,但以精神错乱为由逃脱了惩罚。It was a period of collective insanity, of legalized murder and mayhem.那是个集体丧失理智、谋杀与暴力合法化的时期。Hamlet feigns insanity to disguise his bloody motive.哈姆雷特佯装疯癫,掩饰自己的血腥动机。He suffered from periodic bouts of insanity.他得过阵发性精神错乱。The insanity which ran in his family haunted him.家族遗传的精神错乱困扰着他。He committed suicide during temporary insanity.他在一时的精神错乱中自杀了。King George III of England was purged, leeched, and flogged assiduously during his recurring bouts of insanity.英国国王乔治三世每次精神病发时,都要一遍遍催泻、用水蛭放血并且用棍棒抽打。He was found not guilty by reason of insanity.他由于精神失常而被判无罪。The court acquitted Campbell on the grounds of temporary insanity.法庭以坎贝尔一时精神错乱为由将他无罪释放。Please, no more violence. It's time to stop this insanity.请不要再使用暴力。是停止这种荒唐行为的时候了。It is insanity to drive a car without any brakes.驾驶没有煞车的汽车确是愚不可及。Hearing voices inside your head is a common symptom of insanity.听见脑子里有声音是精神失常的一种常见症状。She'd been driven to the point of raving insanity.她快被逼疯了。Hodge was found not guilty by reason of insanity.霍奇因精神失常被判无罪。Her lawyers plan to use an insanity defense. 她的律师们计划为她进行精神错乱辩护。The judge found him not guilty by reason of insanity.该法官由于他有精神病而判他无罪。His friends thought his decision to quit his job was pure insanity.朋友们认为他辞职的决定愚蠢。He pleaded innocent by reason of insanity.他以精神不健全为由申辩无罪。It would be insanity to expand the business now.现在扩大经营规模简直是疯了。Phillips murdered his wife, but got off on a plea of insanity.菲利普斯谋杀了他的妻子,但以精神错乱为由逃脱了惩罚。He murdered his wife and got off on an insanity plea. 他杀了妻子,并以精神错乱为由逃过法律制裁。The legal concept of insanity is of a different nature from the medical.精神错乱的法律概念与医学概念在性质上是不同的。He was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.他因为精神失常而未被判犯有杀人罪。The accused murderer insisted he had fired the shot during a fit of insanity.杀人案被告坚称,他是在精神突然失常的情况下开的枪。The defence pleaded insanity, but the defendant was found guilty and sentenced.被告方以精神错乱为由进行了申辩,但被告仍被判有罪并获刑。He pled not guilty by reason of insanity. 他在法庭上以精神错乱为由申辩无罪。I had to laugh at the insanity of it all.我只得对这一切的荒唐一笑置之。The judge rejected her insanity defence.法官驳回了她的精神病辩护。




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