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Russia's Czar Nicholas II俄国沙皇尼古拉二世Nicolas Anelka squandered the chance to score when his touch let him down in front of goal. 尼古拉·安内尔卡在球门前触球不当,浪费了一次进球机会。The Rev. Nicola Judd read the lesson.尼古拉·贾德牧师选读了经文。Nicola has decided it's time to hang up her dancing shoes.尼古拉决定是该收起自己的舞鞋的时候了。Important reforms were initiated during the reign of Nicholas II.重大改革起始于尼古拉二世在位时期。Thousands of letters and telegrams arrived wishing Nikolai a speedy recovery from his surgery.成千上万封来信和电报都祝愿尼古拉手术后迅速康复。Nikolai Demidenko gave an exciting yet poetic performance.尼古拉·杰米坚科的表演激动人心且富有诗意。There were two central and countervailing forces in the life of Nikola Tesla.在尼古拉·特斯拉的生活中存在着两股非常重要而且相互抗衡的力量。The idea of Uncle Harold outside Nicola's door nauseated him.一想到哈罗德叔叔在尼古拉的门外他就觉得恶心。I phoned Nicola long-distance.我给尼古拉打长途电话。Nicola's face twisted into a grimace of disgust.尼古拉的脸厌恶地扭曲成一种怪相。 |