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词汇 plastic
例句 He was wearing old-fashioned plastic-rimmed glasses.他戴着一副老式的塑料框眼镜。I cannot stand the TV host's plastic smile.我不能忍受那个电视节目主持人不自然的笑容。The interior of the car is all plastic and has a cheap look about it.车子内部全是塑料制品,看上去很粗劣。These are the electrical connectors, cased in waterproof plastic.这些是电器接头,封装在防水的塑料封套里。I hate the hostesses' false cheerfulness and plastic smiles.我讨厌女主人的假开心和做作的微笑。She gave him a wide, plastic smile.她冲他不自然地咧嘴笑了笑。The mind of a child is plastic.儿童的思想是很容易受外界影响的。This wire has a plastic casing.这种电线外包塑胶。After the plastic surgery I had two black eyes and my face was very swollen. But I knew it would be worth it.整容手术之后,我双眼发青,而且肿得非常厉害。但我知道这是值得的。He handed Brian a plastic water jug.他递给布赖恩一个塑料水壶。Several of the crash victims had to have extensive plastic surgery.事故的几个幸存者不得不做大面积的整形手术。Using plastic to pay for an order is simplicity itself.用信用卡支付订单是很简单的事。He hung a plastic skeleton on the door for Halloween.万圣节时他在门上挂了个塑料骨骼模型。Julia held up two full plastic miniatures of gin.朱莉娅举起满满两小塑料瓶杜松子酒。Spoon the ice-cream into a rigid plastic container and freeze.把冰淇淋舀入硬的塑料容器里冷冻。The plastic pipes will melt at high temperatures.塑料管在高温下会融化。He needed plastic surgery on his face after the car accident.出车祸之后他需要进行脸部整形手术。Do you have any of that clear plastic stuff to cover food with?你有那种透明的用来盖食物的塑料东西吗?The basic equipment consists of a plastic mask and a length of rope.基本设备是一个塑料面罩和一段绳子。In her frenzied quest for beauty, she had plastic surgery done all over her body.她对美丽有狂热的追求,于是去动了全身整型手术。The cafeteria was self-service, and guests had to carry their food on little plastic trays to mucky tables.这是家自助餐厅,顾客得自己把食物放在塑料小托盘里端到肮脏的桌子上。Next to the bottles was a tall stack of plastic cups.瓶子的旁边是一堆叠得高高的塑料杯。The ring is enclosed in a plastic case.戒指装在一个塑料盒里。The dictionary is protected by a jacket of clear plastic.词典带有一个透明塑胶的护封。Farther along the street was a transient who was carrying his belongings in a plastic bag.街道深处有一名流浪者,背着一只装着他随身物品的塑料袋。Rhinoplasty is a form of plastic surgery.鼻成形术是一种整容手术。After the accident, she needed extensive plastic surgery to her face.事故后她脸部需要做大面积的整形手术。Copper conducts electricity, but plastic does not.铜导电,但塑料不导电。The new chairs were covered in protective plastic wrappings.那些新椅子用防护性塑料包装材料裹着。The intense heat liquefied the plastic.酷热使塑料液化。The chairs are cushioned with a plastic foam.椅子里垫上了泡沫塑料。Heat caused the plastic to distort.塑料变形是受热引起的。We bought plastic cups and paper plates for the picnic.我们为野餐买了塑料杯子和纸盘。It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive graphics.它装在一个别致的有漂亮图纹的塑料盒子里。When hot, metalwork has the innate capacity to be malleable and plastic.受热后,金属制品的固有特性是延展性和可塑性。The curtains run on a plastic track.窗帘通过一条塑料轨道滑动。The notebook was protected by a jacket of clear plastic.那笔记本有一个透明塑料护封。There's a protective layer of plastic.有一层塑料保护层。You may want to seal the windows with plastic to stop drafts.你可能需要用塑料把窗户封起来防止漏风。Plants in containers made of porous material, must be watered more often than those in plastic pots.种在透水性材料做的花盆里的植物,必须比种在塑料盆里的植物多浇水。




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