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词汇 plaster over
例句 She carefully spread the plaster over the hole.她仔细地在洞口抹上一层灰泥。The debris is solidly plastered over with snow.瓦砾堆被雪覆盖得严严实实。The cracks in the ceiling have to be plastered over before you can start painting.在油漆天花板之前,先得用灰泥把裂缝填塞起来。He has at bottom the feelings of a gentleman, but all these are plastered over with a stiff manner.他内心富于有教养人的情感,但是全被他僵硬的举止掩盖了。The government thinks the cracks in its policies can be plastered over with fine-sounding promises.政府以为可以用动听的许诺掩饰其政策上的缺陷。We plastered over the holes and cracks in the wall.我们用灰泥填塞了墙上的小洞和裂缝。The original brickwork has been plastered over.原来的砖面被灰泥盖住了。He plastered over the hole in the wall.他用灰泥堵住了墙上的洞。They tried to plaster over the differences.他们试图掩盖分歧。




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