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词汇 plains
例句 Untamed horses roamed free in the wilds of the American plains.野马在美国的荒野上自由自在地漫步。Buffalo were once a common sight on the American plains.在美洲平原上,野牛曾经十分常见。In the middle of these otherwise featureless plains is a striking range of mountains.在这些平淡无奇的平原中间是一片宏伟的山脉。The horses galloped across the open plains.马儿飞奔过开阔的平原。A storm swept across the plains.一场风暴掠过了平原。There were buffalo ranging the plains of North America.水牛在北美平原上自由地来回走动。Trees are sparse in this part of the world because of the continuous wind that blows across the plains.该地区树木稀疏,因为平原上经常刮风。The winds came from the north, across the plains, funnelling down the valley.来自北方的风掠过平原,灌进山谷。The air of hills is cooler than that of plains.山地的空气比平原的空气凉快。The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles.辽阔的平原绵亘数百英里。The flat monotonous plains stretch away. A single tree becomes an event.单调平坦的旷野一望无际。孤零零的一棵树就成了引人瞩目之物。A herd of elephants lolloped across the plains towards a watering hole.一群大象缓慢而笨拙地穿过平原,朝水潭走去。Farmers left the rocky hills of New England for the fertile plains of the Middle West.农民们离开了新英格兰多岩石的山丘,到中西部肥沃的平原去。Grassy plains used to cover large portions of America's midsection.草原曾经覆盖了美国中部的大部分地区。The giraffe is among the prodigies of the African plains.长颈鹿是非洲平原上的珍奇动物之一。The plains of North America are colonized by rodents.北美大平原生长著许多啮齿动物。On the plains the farmers have to deal with frequent floods, but up in the hills their problems are of a different nature.在平原上农民要应付接二连三的水灾,但在山上他们遇到的问题又是另一种类型的了。From the hill top we could see the plains below.从山顶上我们可以看到山下的大平原。The river debouches on the plains.那条河流向平原。The sound of a distant roar echoed over the plains.平原上回荡着远处传来的吼叫声。Herds of buffalo roamed these plains.成群的水牛漫步在这些平原上。They followed the migrating herds of buffalo across the plains.他们跟随着迁徙的水牛群穿过了大草原。




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