例句 |
He can do a passable imitation of the maths teacher.他对数学老师的模仿还真有点像。Our maths teacher was a bully and a complete barbarian.我们的数学老师横行霸道,是个彻头彻尾的暴君。When the math teacher asked a question in class, he really caught me napping because I was not listening at all.当数学老师在课堂上提问时,我措手不及,因为我当时根本就没在听。I really liked my eighth grade math teacher.我非常喜欢八年级时的数学老师。Our maths teacher is so boring.我们的数学老师很讨厌。I've always had a soft spot for my old maths teacher.我倒一直很喜欢我过去的数学老师。 |