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词汇 maths
例句 He's in the top maths stream.他在数学快班。Henry generally stayed ahead of the class in maths.亨利的数学成绩通常比班里的其他同学好。His parents got him a tutor to help with his maths.他的父母请了一位私人教师来辅导他的数学。I'm hopeless at maths.我对数学一窍不通。There was also a strong link between children's low maths scores and parents' numeracy problems.子女的数学成绩差与父母算术不好密切相关。She's in set one for maths and English and set two for history.她的数学和英语在甲等班上,历史在乙等班上。All this maths is beyond me.数学对我来说太难了。I've been ill – that's why I'm behind everyone else in maths and French.我生病了,所以我的数学和法语落在了别人后面。I hate maths.我讨厌数学。I got left behind at school with the maths.在校时我的数学跟不上。The games are designed to make maths fun and build up youngsters’ confidence.这些游戏旨在使数学有趣,让年轻人建立信心。She's a real whizz kid at maths.她是真正的数学神童。John flunked maths.约翰数学不及格。I'd like to do maths at university.我希望在大学里学数学。Adam's in the top set for maths.亚当在数学成绩最好的一班学生中。I couldn't do any of the maths last night – it was solid.昨晚这些数学题我一道也做不出,太难了。I'm keen on maths.我喜欢数学。I had to have extra tuition in maths.我不得不上数学补习课。He went on to study maths at university level.他接着学习大学程度的数学。He taught science and maths.他教科学和数学这两门课。Working out the quantities of the ingredients involved some complicated maths.算出各种成分的数量要用到一些复杂的数学运算。Harry is in the top set for maths.哈里在最好的数学组。A child playing at shopping, for example, will display early maths skills.比如,一个玩购物游戏的小孩就会展露其最初的数学计算技能。Research shows that pupils who are good at maths tend to be more conformist and obedient than other pupils.调查研究发现,数学好的学生往往比其他学生规矩听话。She got top marks in maths and chemistry.她数学和化学得了最高分。Nina's parents paid for extra tuition to help her with her maths.尼娜的父母额外出钱请老师帮她补习数学。I took maths, physics and chemistry at A level.我参加了数学、物理、化学三科的高级程度考试。I have a mental block about maths.我对数学一窍不通。I'll have to swot for my maths exam.我将不得不用功学习准备数学考试。He's doing pure maths.他正在研究纯理论数学。On Monday mornings there was French, English, and then a double period of maths.星期一上午有法语课、英语课,然后是连着的两节数学课。Our maths teacher is so boring.我们的数学老师很讨厌。Sheila passed history but failed maths.希拉通过了历史考试,但数学没及格。Anything relating to maths is a complete mystery to me.和数学有关的任何东西对我来说都完全是天书。I don't think he majored in maths, I think it was applied physics.我想他不是主修数学的,是主修应用物理学的。Mr Palmer was a retired maths master.帕尔默先生是一名退休的数学教师。Our maths classes are pretty deadly.我们的数学课非常枯燥。His teacher continually humiliates him in maths lessons.他的数学老师频频在课上羞辱他。Molly's upstairs grappling with her maths homework.莫莉在楼上费力地做数学作业。Craig was always quick at maths, but he had trouble with reading and writing.克雷格学数学反应总是很快,但他在阅读和写作上却有困难。




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