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词汇 places
例句 The poem contains references to places where the poet spent his childhood.这首诗中提到了几处诗人童年时生活过的地方。He tried several places , but no one sold the ingredients he needed.他问了几家商店,但没有一家卖他需要的配料。Those places are modern by comparison with Tresillian.与特西利安相比,那些地方很现代。He swapped places with me.他跟我换了位置。Some upright stones in wild places are the vestige of ancient religions.荒原上一些直立的石块是古老宗教的遗迹。There were certain places that were really creepy at night.有些地方晚上真是让人不寒而栗。He gained several places in the second leg of the contest.他在第二轮比赛中赢得好几个名次。They flushed them out of their hiding places.他们把他们从藏身之处赶了出来。The grass has been pressed down in places where people were lying.人们躺过地方的草给压倒了。These insects tend to aggregate in dark, moist places.这些虫子往往聚集在阴暗潮湿的地方。There is stiff competition for university places.考大学的竞争是很激烈的。Journeys discover to us the indifference of places.经多次旅行,我们发现各个地方都是大同小异的。In some places the path is only a couple of feet wide.这条路有些地段只有几英尺宽。It was so cold that the sea froze in some places.天气非常冷,海面上有些地方都结冰了。They were winkled out of their hiding places.他们被迫离开藏身之处。The writing is clunky in places and full of clichés.这篇文章多处显得突兀,充满了陈词滥调。This carpet is threadbare in places.这块地毯有些地方的绒毛已磨光露白了。These days the disease is rare or nonexistent in most places.目前这种疾病在大部分地区都很少出现,甚至根本就不存在了。The enamel has cracked in some places.搪瓷已有几处开裂。He felt the lure of distant places.他感到了远方的召唤。She lived in many places, but she says nothing can rival the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.她住过许多地方,但是她说洛基山的美无与伦比。He places a great deal of faith in people's honesty.他对人们诚实的品质坚信不移。And now she's chosen to live in Alaska, of all places!现在她决定住在阿拉斯加,怎么偏偏在这个地方!It was one of the driest and dustiest places in Africa.这是非洲最干旱、尘土最多的地区之一。His mark in the geography paper pulled him up several places.他的地理考分使他的名次提前了好几个档次。There are places you can take physically handicapped children where staff don't blanch at the sight of a wheelchair.有些地方你能带残疾儿童去,那里的工作人员不会一看到轮椅就退缩。Orlando itself is vibrant, full of affordable accommodation and great places to eat.奥兰多本身充满了朝气,有很多便宜的旅馆和吃饭的好去处。Lobbyists for the tobacco industry have expressed concerns about the restriction of smoking in public places.烟草业的游说者们对在公共场所限制吸烟表示关切。The floorboards are weak in some places.有些地方的地板不结实。I wouldn't change places with him for the world!我无论如何也不愿意和他交换位置!One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places.一根撑木出现了裂痕,有几处已进行了粗略的修补。William is a young man who is definitely going places.威廉绝对是个前途无量的年轻人。Most places are also extracting lots of lucrative minerals.这里绝大多数地方同时还在提取矿物。Some places are more problematic than others for women travelling alone.女子独自旅行时,有些地方比其他地方更容易出问题。Environmentalists are concerned that rock climbers are wearing the crags away in some places.环境保护主义者很担心那些攀岩者在不断损坏这几处峭壁的某些部分。I send this sample in double to both places.这个样品我给两处都各寄两份。The school places a heavy emphasis on children's musical development.学校非常重视对孩子们音乐素质的培养。Every week someone comes and places fresh flowers on her grave.每个星期都有人来,把鲜花安放在她的墓上。Before the curtain went up, the dancers took their places on stage.幕启之前,舞蹈演员都在舞台上站好了位置。The soles of his shoes were nearly worn through in places.他鞋底的有些地方几乎都磨穿了。




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