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词汇 Grand
例句 The best bit of the trip was seeing the Grand Canyon.这次旅行最精彩的一段就是游览大峡谷。They stayed at The Grand Hotel, Budapest.他们住在布达佩斯大饭店。The Grand Canyon is best seen at sunset.大峡谷日落时最美。Have you been to American Grand Canyon National Park?你到过美国大峡谷国家公园吗? The Central Weather Bureau has a planetarium installed near the Grand Hotel. People can go there to watch the stars.气象局在圆山饭店旁设有一座天文台,民众可以前去观望星象。The Grand Hotel did not seem to have changed since her salad days.从她年少时候到现在,格兰德酒店似乎一直就没有变过。World famous daredevil Evel Knievel will attempt to cross the Grand Canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle.因胆子大而闻名世界的埃维尔·尼维尔将尝试骑在一部火箭驱动的摩托车上飞跃大峡谷。We hiked the Grand Canyon, exploring Indian cliff dwellings.我们去大峡谷徒步旅行,探究印第安人的崖居。Even at odds-on, they are worth a flutter for the Grand Slam.即使胜券在握,为了大满贯也值得小赌一把。It's a picture of the Grand Canyon.这是一幅大峡谷的照片。Do you always have a bet on the Grand National?你总是对全国赛马大会下点注吗?His hunger has been sharpened by the critics who claimed his marriage had blunted his Grand Slam yearnings.批评家声称他的婚姻减弱了他夺取大满贯的理想,这让他夺冠的欲望变得越发强烈。The Grand Hotel has been completely refurbished.格兰酒店已彻底整修。The Italian Grand Prix is one of the great sporting events of the year.意大利国际汽车大奖赛是每年的体育盛会之一。Hamilton took the chequered / checkered flag to win his fourth Grand Prix of the season.汉密尔顿冲过黑白方格旗,第四次夺得本赛季世界汽车大奖赛冠军。The Grand Hotel was now just a mound of rubble.格兰德大酒店现在成了一大堆瓦砾。In her old jeans and college sweater, Sarah looked a little out of place in the foyer of the Grand Hotel.萨拉穿着旧牛仔裤和印着校名的套头毛衣,在格兰德酒店的门厅里看上去有点格格不入。Gardner recorded the fastest lap in qualifying to earn pole position for today's US Grand Prix.加德纳在资格赛中创下了最快圈速的纪录,赢得了今天美国大奖赛的杆位。He recorded the fastest lap in last weekend's Hungarian Grand Prix.在上周的匈牙利大奖赛中他创造了最快单圈成绩纪录。The Grand Prix will be televised by the BBC.这次国际汽车大奖赛将由英国广播公司进行电视转播。Grand Central Station in New York is overshadowed by the PanAm building.纽约中央火车站被泛美大厦遮住了阳光。Is this the way to Grand Central Station?去中央火车站是走这条路吗?As a Grand Prix driver, you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment.作为国际汽车大奖赛的车手,随时都有可能发生事故。I worked at the Grand Theatre.我在大剧院上班。It's my first Grand Slam and I was hoping to make a good impression.那是我首次参加大奖赛,我当时希望能表现出色。Our guests reside at the Grand Hotel.我们的客人住在圆山饭店。Grand jurors took an oath to keep secret their deliberations.大陪审团成员们宣誓对他们的审议情况保密。The part we enjoyed most was the trip to the Grand Canyon.我们最开心的一段行程就是去大峡谷。My office was like Grand Central Station this morning.今天早上我的办公室就像火车站一样嘈杂拥挤。Their departure will leave a gaping hole in Grand Prix racing.他们的离去将给汽车大奖赛留下一个巨大的空缺。The Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon.科罗拉多大峡谷是由科罗拉多河切割形成的。The Grand Canyon is something else, isn't it?大峡谷真令人难忘,不是吗?The Grand Fleet had finally met the German navy in battle and, it seemed at first, had got the worst of it.大舰队最终与德国海军交战,而且看起来一开始就输得很惨。He never won the British Grand Prix.他从未在国际汽车大奖赛英国站获胜。The Grand Union Hotel is one of the classiest hotels in this part of the country.联合大酒店是该国这一地区最高级的酒店之一。A sailing boat trip along the Grand Canal, though slow, can be a beautiful anachronism.沿大运河乘坐帆船旅行,虽然缓慢,却可能有种怀古的愉快。One day, I'd like to visit the Grand Canyon.我想今后哪天去大峡谷游览。This is the only Grand Slam title to elude her.这是她唯一错失的大满贯头衔。I had a little flutter on the Grand National and won £5.我在全国越野障碍赛马上下了一笔小赌注,赢了五英镑。Grand it may be, but this cathedral is no rival to the great cathedral of Amiens.这个教堂虽然很雄伟,却绝对不能和亚眠大教堂相匹敌。




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