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词汇 pipes
例句 He has the pipes to sing on Broadway.他有一副能在百老汇演唱的嗓子。Steam runs through the pipes.蒸汽从管道冒出。The pipes have frozen up.水管冻住了。A rat's teeth are strong enough to gnaw through lead pipes.老鼠的牙齿坚硬得足以咬穿铅管。In winter the pipes may freeze.冬天管道可能会冻住。Oil is carried to the factory through these pipes.石油通过这些管道输送到工厂。Flush the pipes out with clean water.用净水冲洗管道。The pipes will have to pass through the wall.管子将不得不穿过墙壁。The plastic pipes will melt at high temperatures.塑料管在高温下会融化。Clogged pipes caused drain water to back up into the house.水管堵塞,排出的水倒灌入屋。Over time, the pipes become corroded and need to be replaced.时间长了,这些管子开始受到腐蚀,需要更换。Warm water circulates through the pipes and warms the floor above it.温水通过管道流动,使上面的楼层变暖和。We argued about pipes versus cigarettes.我们争论是抽烟斗好还是吸纸烟好。If you have to take the floorboards up, take the opportunity to lag any pipes at the same time.如果一定要把地板掀开,不妨趁此机会给各个管道加一层隔热保护。She pipes from LA that times are hard.她从洛杉矶写信来说日子难过。After the water main broke, the Monday-morning quarterbacks in the media criticized the city for not replacing the old pipes.自来水总管道破裂后,媒体界的事后诸葛亮们纷纷谴责市政府没更换老管道。Lead pipes can contaminate drinking water.铅管会污染饮用水。The carpenter built casing to house the hot water pipes.木匠给热水管加了层保护外壳。Two of the water pipes burst.有两根水管迸裂了。Public utilities dig up roads to lay pipes.公共事业公司挖路铺设管道。The heating pipes have sprung a leak.暖气管出现了裂隙。Drinking water is brought to the town through a network of underground pipes.饮用水通过地下管道网输送到镇上。Several of the pipes have rusted and will need to be replaced.有几根管子已生锈,要换掉了。Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected.工程师们发现管道并没有如预期的那样膨胀。The chemical was so caustic that it ate through the pipes.这种化学物质腐蚀性很强,管道都被穿透了。The pipes froze because the cladding had fallen off.水管因保暖层脱落而冻住了。Lift some loose floorboards to get at the pipes.掀起几块松动的地板就接触到管道。The pipes in the attic gurgle in the night and keep me awake.夜里,阁楼的管道里发出咕噜咕噜的水声,让我难以入眠。The pipes convey water to the fields.这些管道把水输送到农田。Some pipes were almost blocked, so that hardly any water was trickling through.有些管道几乎完全被堵住了,因此没什么水流过。The drainage of the town is not good, some of the pipes are broken.城里的排水系统不好,有些水管断裂了。Most policies cover accidental damage to pipes.大部分保单都承保管子的意外损坏。The tented ceiling hides a maze of water pipes.形似帐篷的天花板上隐藏着迷宫似的水管。Label the pipes you will be working on to avoid confusion later on.把要处理的管子贴上标签,免得以后弄混淆了。The plant makes plastic covered steel pipes for the oil and gas industries.这家工厂为石油和燃气企业生产包塑钢管。The new material allows the company to make gas pipes which withstand higher pressures.新材料使得公司可以生产出耐压力更强的输气管道。A crack had developed in one of the main cooling pipes which are used to convey water.用来输送水的主冷却管中有一根出现了裂缝。All water tanks and pipes should be drained.所有水箱和水管中的水都要排掉。The hospital is using bottled water while the pipes are flushed and an investigation is done.在管道检查和冲洗期间,这家医院使用瓶装水。They had to replace the old gas pipes.他们不得不更换旧的煤气管道。




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