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词汇 picturesque
例句 We visited the picturesque fishing village of Lochinver.我们游访了洛欣弗景色如画的渔村。The river winds its way past the picturesque village of Comrie.河流弯弯曲曲地流过风景如画的科姆里村。The Hungarian colony in New York is a picturesque racial island.纽约的匈牙利侨民是个与外界隔绝的独特的种族社区。He rents a small house in the picturesque old quarter of town.他在镇上景色优美的旧城区租了一幢小房子。The pool reflected her picturesque beauty, in its adornment of flowers and wreathed foliage.在花和树叶构成的花环衬托下,水池反映出她画般的美丽。He gave a picturesque account of his travels.他生动地讲述了他的旅行。The building is grey, formidable, not at all picturesque.那幢建筑物呈灰色,外观吓人,一点都不美。It was a pretty town with a picturesque harbour and well-preserved buildings.那是个漂亮的小镇,有风景如画的港口和保存完好的建筑。Alte, in the hills northwest of Loule, is the Algarve's most picturesque village.位于洛莱西北部山区的阿尔特,是阿尔加维风景最美丽的村庄。They settled in Ronco, a picturesque village near the Italian frontier.他们在龙科住了下来,那是靠近意大利边境的一个风景如画的小村子。Garda is one of the lake's most picturesque resorts.加尔达湖是湖泊胜地中最引人入胜的一处。Our three-day stop at lake Navasha was restful and picturesque.我们在奈瓦沙湖畔待了三天,很放松,那里风景也漂亮。The view of the mountains was very picturesque.山区的景色美丽如画。




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