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词汇 confusing
例句 His films are confusing and have little coherence.他的影片令人费解,缺少连贯性。I'm talking about social problems. My opponent is just confusing the issue when he keeps referring to family values.我在谈论社会问题,我的对手却在不断地提及家庭观念,故意把问题搞混。The dizziness of the camerawork gives the scene a confusing quality.令人头晕目眩的镜头运动营造出一种惶惑的场景。The plot was a little confusing.情节有些令人迷惑。His answers were obscure and confusing.他的回答模糊不清,令人费解。The records are confusing to anyone untrained in accounting.这些记录对于在会计方面没有受过正规训练的人来说是很难搞得清楚的。You're confusing him! Tell him slowly and one thing at a time.你把他搞糊涂了!慢慢跟他讲,一次说一件事。You must be confusing me with someone else.你一定是把我和别人搞混了。First off, huge apologies for last month's confusing report.首先,要对上个月那篇交代不清的报道表示深深的歉意。I find the whole political situation so confusing! 我发现整个政局如此令人费解!I find the policy extremely confusing.我认为该政策极其让人费解。Some of the questions he asked were very confusing.他问的一些问题令人不知所云。The statement is highly confusing.这个声明非常令人困惑。I understand the text but the diagrams are confusing me.我理解文本,但那些图表把我弄糊涂了。Its story-within-a-story method of narration is confusing.其故事套故事的叙事方法让人觉得很糊涂。The transition from boyhood to manhood can be a confusing period.从少年时期过渡到成年时期可能会是个令人困惑的阶段。I found some of the questions really confusing.我觉得有些问题实在让人困惑。The kidnappers issued a series of confusing demands.绑架者提出了一连串含糊不清的要求。I asked him a simple question and he gave me a long and confusing answer.我只问了他一个简单问题,他却给了我一个冗长费解的回答。Cricket can be a pretty confusing game for non-players.对于不会打板球的人来说,这是相当难懂的运动。The procedure can be a little confusing for beginners.对新手来说,步骤可能有点难懂。The documents were full of confusing officialese.文件里全是些让人捉摸不透的公文用语。The company gave a very long and confusing explanation, and just tacked on a short apology right at the end.该公司含糊地解释了一大通,最后就只轻描淡写地道个歉。The movie's ramshackle plot is confusing and not believable.影片七拼八凑的情节让人弄不明白,也难以置信。It was a tad confusing.稍微有些混乱。All this information can be confusing to the user.所有这些信息都可能让使用者迷惑不解。Her sudden change of heart was downright confusing to me.她突然的变心真让我完全不解。The two new members had the same name, which made things confusing.两位新成员名字一样,把人都搞糊涂了。The young scientist felt bound down by a lot of useless and confusing rules.这位青年科学家感到有许多无用而又引起思想混乱的法则束缚他的手脚。He's always confusing salt with sugar.他老是分不清盐和糖。The instructions were really confusing.这些用法说明实在是让人摸不着头脑。A few confusing questions tripped up the suspect.几个棘手的问题使嫌犯泄漏了真情。I will try to be brief and avoid further confusing the issue.我尽量简要地说,免得把问题弄得更复杂。The labels can be a bit confusing for the uninitiated.这些标签对缺乏有关知识的人来说可能会有点含混不清。The instructions are really confusing. Could you help me with them, please?这些使用说明太让人费解了。你能帮我看一下吗?This lawyer always tries to trip witnesses up by asking confusing questions.这律师总是试图用令人迷糊的问题使证人说出自己不想说的话。Stop confusing the issue.不要把这件事复杂化。The story is hopelessly confusing.情节实在令人费解。A close look at the statistics reveals a confusing picture.仔细看过统计数据后,会发现情况令人困惑。Her representation of the situation was very confusing.她对局势的陈述令人非常困惑。




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