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词汇 confuse
例句 Be sure to carefully label the switches so that you don't confuse them.你一定要仔细地在那些开关上贴上标签,以免把它们弄混。Don't confuse the papers on his desk.不要把他书桌上的书信文件弄乱了。Their explanations only serve to obfuscate and confuse.他们的解释只能使问题更令人费解。Some people confuse money with happiness. 有些人错把钱财当成了幸福。I always confuse your car and mine.我总是把你的车和我的搞混。Doctors often confuse laymen with their jargon.医生常常会用专门术语把门外汉弄个稀里糊涂。If you don't explain clearly, you'll just confuse the reader.你如果不解释清楚,就会把读者弄糊涂。People might well confuse the two products.人们很容易把这两种产品混淆起来。It was just one device used to confuse, bewilder, and torment our men.他们不过是使用一种方法使我们的人思维混乱、意识不清、遭受折磨。The general was trying to confuse the enemy.将军在设法迷惑敌人。These arguments tend merely to confuse the reader.这些争论往往只是把读者搞得稀里糊涂的。I sometimes confuse Jane with her sister.我有时把简和她的妹妹搞混。He changed direction to confuse his pursuers.他改变了方向,以迷惑那些追踪他的人。The city's winding streets confuse most visitors.这座城市蜿蜒的街道使大多数游客辨不清方向。It's easy to confuse his films, because he tends to use the same actors.他的影片很容易混淆,因为他老是用相同的演员。To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.使问题更复杂的是,人们感到满意的睡眠时间千差万别。I can't see how anyone could confuse you with another!我不明白怎么会有人把你和另外一个人搞混!Don't confuse the voters. Keep to the message.不要把选民搞糊涂了,要坚持党的宗旨。I always confuse you with your sister – you look so alike.我总是把你和你妹妹搞错,你们俩太像了。Don't show him the other way of doing it - it'll only confuse him.不要告诉他另一种做法一—那只会把他弄糊涂。The twins look alike—so much so that even their parents sometimes confuse them. 这对双胞胎长相如此相似,有时连他们的父母都搞混了。Do not draw it on the chart, as this will confuse the issue.不要画在图表上,会造成混淆的。You can easily confuse the two paintings.这两幅画很容易弄混。A lot of people seem to confuse producing a film with directing one.很多人将制作电影与导演电影混为一谈。This news seemed to thoroughly confuse him.这条新闻似乎让他极其困惑。I always confuse between him and John.他和约翰两个人我老分不清。For, as every general knows, attacking on two fronts at once is the best way to confuse and confound the enemy.因为,正如每位将军所知,同时在两条战线发起进攻是迷惑和击败敌人的最好方法。Their proposal was only a device to confuse the opposition.他们的建议只是为迷惑反对派而使用的花招而已。I think it's a serious mistake to confuse books with life.我认为把书本与生活混为一谈是个严重的错误。This argument should not be allowed to confuse the issue.不要让这个论点混淆这一问题。It's easy to confuse them because they're so alike.他们长得太像了,很容易就会把他们搞混了。




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