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词汇 Baker
例句 Baker was discharged after the evidence against her was found to be flawed.由于对贝克不利的证据证实是错误的,因此她被释放。On lap two, Baker edged forward.在第二圈时贝克渐渐领先了。Baker suggested the administration wasn't raring for a fight.贝克暗示行政部门并不急于卷入争斗中。Dr Baker has made detailed studies of the migration patterns of many birds.贝克博士详细研究了许多鸟类的迁徙模式。This is Dan Baker, reporting for duty.我叫丹・贝克,是来报到的。Baker was speechless with admiration for his clever brother.贝克对他聪明的兄弟佩服得说不出话来。Mr Baker flew in from Moscow.贝克先生是从莫斯科飞过来的。Mr Baker was such a so-and-so - he was always really mean!贝克先生真是个讨厌的家伙——他总是十分刻薄!Baker demanded an investigation of the district attorney's office.贝克要求对地方检查官的办公室进行侦查。It was Baker's duty to obey.服从是贝克的职责。Nurse Baker is an old hand at dealing with difficult patients.贝克尔护士对付麻烦的病人很有经验。Before his first round of discussions, Mr Baker sounded an optimistic note.在第一轮讨论开始前,贝克先生听上去比较乐观。Mr Baker was speaking off the cuff when he made those suggestions.贝克先生临时提出了这些建议。Nick Faldo was beaten by Peter Baker in a play-off.尼克·福尔多在附加赛中被彼得·贝克击败。Mr Baker will return home via Britain and France.贝克先生将取道英国和法国回国。He went by the name of Baker to avoid discovery by the police.为逃避警方的耳目,他化名贝克。Baker loathed going to this red-haired young pup for supplies.面包师傅不喜欢去这个红头发的自负的傻小子那里拿原料。Baker accused the press of casting a slur on his reputation.贝克指责新闻界中伤他的名誉。It was still Baker's duty to obey.贝克依然有义务服从。Baker retained the prerogative to craft solutions himself.贝克把构思解决方案的特权留给自己。Baker advises the President on the details of foreign policy.贝克就外交政策的细节问题向总统提供建议。Murray agreed to write the preface to Baker's book, as a favor to his old friend.默里同意为贝克的书写篇序,作为给老朋友的帮忙。Baker is expected to be here until the end of the week.贝克要在这里呆到周末。Mr Baker would take command of the campaign.贝克先生会负责这次运动。Neither Baker nor Levy seemed eager to disturb the cordial atmosphere by discussing more sensitive issues.贝克和利维似乎都不愿谈及更为敏感的话题而破坏了友好的氛围。Baker's increasing dissatisfaction with his role in the party led him to resign.贝克对自己在党内的地位越来越不满意,导致他辞职了。Baker argued against cutting the military budget.贝克尔据理反对削减军费预算。Baker's resignation became a hot topic of conversation around the office.贝克的辞职成了办公室里的热门话题。Baker had to convince jurors that his client had been nowhere near the scene of the murder.贝克必须使陪审员相信,他的委托人根本不在凶案现场。This was a blunder by Mr Baker, but it was a forgivable one.这是贝克先生的一时疏忽,但是可以原谅。As chairman I was anxious to co-operate with Mr Baker as far as possible.作为主席,我非常希望能够尽可能多地与贝克先生合作。Baker brings a touch of style to a government whose members are pretty pedestrian.政府的成员平淡无奇,贝克的到来则增添了几分个性。Baker's voice was cold, his dark eyes icy.贝克的声音冷冰冰的,黑黑的眼睛流露出冷漠。Baker was craving for a smoke.贝克非常想抽支烟。The concert will be introduced by Richard Baker, who will describe the music we are going to hear.这场音乐会将由理查德·贝克作开场白,对我们要听到的曲子作讲解。Apologies were received from Phil Baker and Mark Johnson.菲尔•贝克和马克•约翰逊发来致歉信告知他们不能出席。Peter Baker's bathroom is a brilliant pastiche of expensive interior design.彼得·贝克的浴室是高档室内设计的集大成之作。Baker argues that his trial was tainted by negative publicity.贝克抗辩说他的审判受到了负面宣传的影响。He will be partnered by Ian Baker, the defending champion.他将和卫冕冠军伊恩·贝克搭档。Baker was smoothing out differences with European allies.贝克正在努力消除同欧洲盟国之间的分歧。




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