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词汇 pickings
例句 I try to go to yard sales early to get the best pickings.我打算尽量早点去宅前售卖点以便能捡到最划算的东西。A lone seabird swooped in low overhead, scenting future pickings.一只海鸟嗅到有剩食可以享用,从空中俯冲下来。Companies are put off investing in poor areas because of the meagre pickings to be had.因为没什么油水可捞,各公司都延迟了在贫困地区投资。It was slim pickings at this year's show.今年的展会没太多便宜可捡。Traditional hiding places are easy pickings for experienced burglars.对有经验的入室窃贼来说,人们惯常藏钱的那些地方最容易得手。We learnt fast that there was no future in hanging around British, Swedish, or German boats. No pickings there.我们很快就意识到在英国人、瑞典人和德国人的船上闲荡是徒劳的。那里没有什么好处可捞。




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