例句 |
As the class drew to a close, Hanson asked a student to summarize the lesson.快下课前,汉森请一名学生把这一课的内容概述一下。Class dismissed!下课!The team's coach was dumped after a season of losses.由于赛季战况不佳,球队教练下课了。The boys were itching for the lesson to end.那些男孩子急切地等著下课。A bell goes to mark the end of each class.每堂课铃响就表示下课。The bell went and the class came to an end.铃响了,下课了。What time does your class finish?你什么时候下课?When the bell rings, it means that class is over.铃声一响就意味着下课了。The classes begin and end at fixed times.上下课的时间都是固定不变的。The class is dismissed.现在下课。The professor dismissed the class early because she had a meeting.教授因为要去开会而提前下课。The lessons began and ended at fixed times.上下课的时间是固定的。Students were given busywork for the last few minutes of class.学生们下课前几分钟还被加了作业,不能闲着。 |