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词汇 photography
例句 He was a pioneer of photography.他是摄影术的先驱。His interest in photography absorbs him completely.对摄影的兴趣让他完全着了迷。I'm interested in photography and film.我对摄影和电影制作感兴趣。Her photography studio was a converted attic.她的摄影工作室是阁楼改建的。The organization aims to promote public appreciation of photography.该机构旨在提高公众对摄影的欣赏水平。He was one of the first people to use high speed flash in bird photography.他是最先使用高速闪光灯拍摄鸟类的人之一。He brought the art of photography to the highest point of perfection.他使摄影艺术达到了完美的顶峰。She has for some time been fixated on photography.她这段时间迷上了摄影。She has recently mastered digital photography with the aid of her grandson.她最近在孙子的帮助下学会了用数码相机照相。I wish I'd discovered photography when I was younger.我要是早点儿发现摄影的魅力就好了。The contest was open to all full time photography students.这个比赛所有全日制摄影专业学生都可以参加。The courses will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography.该课程将为初学者一对一地讲授各种户外摄影技巧。The gallery exhibits mainly contemporary sculpture and photography.这个美术馆主要展出当代雕刻和摄影艺术。Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash.光照亮度应达到不开闪光灯便可以清楚拍照的程度。My photography skills are a joke.我的摄影技术简直让人笑话。With digital photography it's easier to view your pictures.有了数字摄影,看照片就更方便了。Entries to the photography competition should be mounted on white paper.摄影比赛的参赛作品应裱贴在白纸上。The course will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography.该课程将对初学者一对一讲授各种户外摄影技巧。His interest in photography started with him developing negatives that he found lying around the house.他对摄影的兴趣始于冲洗在家里随处可见的底片。His book on colour photography exhausted the subject.他那本关于彩色摄影术的书写得全面透彻。Steve won a photography badge in the Boy Scouts.史蒂夫在男童子军里获得了一枚摄影奖章。Their shared interest in photography is what got them together.对摄影的共同兴趣使他们走到了一起。Landscape photography is her hobby.她喜欢拍摄风景。This helps explain the popularity of underwater photography.这有助于解释水下摄影为什么会流行。Their photography venture has burgeoned into a full-time operation.他们的摄影活动迅速发展成为全日制工作。The company had monopolized the photography market for so many decades that they didn't worry about competition from other companies.这家公司垄断摄影市场几十年,他们不担心来自其他公司的竞争。His interest in photography is only a passing fad.他对摄影的兴趣只是一时的爱好罢了。After retirement he took up painting and photography.退休以后,他对绘画和摄影产生了兴趣。He's crazy about photography – he's got all the gear.他对摄影很着迷 — 所有的器材他都有。The prize for best photography has been won by a young Dutch photographer.最佳摄影奖由一位年轻的荷兰摄影师夺得。Apart from photography, he has several other spheres of interest.除了摄影外,他还有其他一些兴趣爱好。His decision caused consternation in the art photography community.他的决定在艺术摄影圈内引起了恐慌。The whales were too close; this posed an immediate problem for my photography.鲸鱼离得太近,这成了我眼下拍摄面临的迫切问题。This sign indicates that photography is allowed.标牌上说可以拍照。The museum forbids flash photography.博物馆里禁止使用闪光灯拍照。Chris is studying photography at night school.克里斯在夜校学摄影。Commercial photography occupied much of his time.商业摄影占去了他大量的时间。His decision caused consternation in the art-photography community.他的决定在艺术摄影界引起了恐慌。Melanie trained for a career in music, but switched to photography in her early thirties.梅拉妮受过音乐方面的专门训练,但三十出头的时候改行干摄影了。The film won an award for its photography.该影片获得了一项摄影奖。




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