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词汇 photographs
例句 I took a lot of photographs with my digital camera during my holiday.我在度假期间用数码相机拍了许多照片。To show the doubting children, their mother hunted up some old photographs in the attic.为了向有疑心的孩子们说明情况,妈妈在阁楼上找出一些旧照片。The largest gallery contains at its centre a constellation of photographs called My Wishes.最大的画廊在中心位置展出了一组名为《我的心愿》的摄影作品。You can use photographs and then scan them onto your computer.你可以用照片,然后把它们扫描进计算机。There'll be a huge ruck with the cops as they try to take photographs.他们试图拍照时将会和警察发生大规模的肢体冲突。What speed film do I need for taking photographs indoors?我在室内拍照片需要感亮度为多少的胶卷?All the pages are abundantly illustrated with colour photographs.每页都配有丰富的彩色照片。This is a magnificent book on all counts: text, photographs and printing.这是一本各方面都很出色的书,无论是文本、图片还是印刷。He admitted offences of possessing indecent photographs of children.他承认了藏有儿童不雅照片的罪行。Your passport application form should be accompanied by two recent photographs.护照申请表应附近照两张。She has photographs of all her grandchildren on the mantelpiece.她在壁炉台上放着所有孙辈的照片。These photographs challenge conventional ideas of beauty.这些摄影作品挑战了传统的审美观念。Unfortunately, the photographs can tell us very little about the potential for life on Mars.遗憾的是,关于火星上是否有生命存在,这些照片能告诉我们的非常少。One of his photographs is a double exposure.他拍的照片中有一张是两次曝光的。Child murderers in the past have very often carried photographs of young children to entice their victims away.过去儿童谋杀犯常常携带一些小孩子的照片来诱拐他们的受害者。The clarity of the photographs was amazing.这些照片清晰得让人惊讶。Our paintings and photographs are of sentimental value only.我们的画作和照片仅有纪念价值。Front-page stories broke the news of the star leaving, and accompanying photographs showed her getting on the plane.报纸头版爆出明星离开的消息,同时配有她登机而去的照片。My camera's fully automatic and takes really good photographs.我的照相机是全自动的,拍出的照片非常棒。The photographs are fairly predictable and unexceptional.照片都平淡无奇,没什么出人意料之处。Nigel's book is splendidly illustrated with his own colour photographs.奈杰尔的书配上了他自己的彩色照片,绝妙无比。Gillman's known for her photographs of ordinary household items.吉尔曼以拍摄普通日常用品的照片著称。The children seemed very interested when I showed them my photographs.当我把我的照片给孩子们看时,他们似乎都非常感兴趣。Visitors are not allowed to take photographs inside the Museum.游客不准在博物馆内拍摄照片。The photographs are on exhibit in the museum's west wing.这些相片正在博物馆的西厅展出。I don't encourage people to take photographs like this without permission, but by law we can publish.我不鼓励人们未经允许就拍摄这样的照片,但根据法律我们可以刊登。To reciprocate the gift of photographs, I presented him with a circular medallion.以答谢所赠照片,我回赠他一件圆形浮雕。The room was tiny, its walls cluttered with paintings and old photographs.房间很小,墙上杂乱地挂着画和旧照片。In the dining room, team photographs were ranged along the wall.餐厅里,球队的照片排列在墙上。The book is replete with photographs.这本书上有大量照片。New owners punched up the newspaper with color photographs.新老板们用彩色照片为报纸增色。The book is enhanced with illustrative photographs.这书因有了照片插图而更加精彩了。He has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs.他为那本书配了一些黑白照片插图。The photographs went on display last week.那些摄影作品上星期开始展出。This program allows you to edit and catalogue digital photographs.运用这一程序能编辑数码照片并为其编目分类。These old photographs should go in the family archives.这些老照片应收入家庭档案里。He admitted possessing nude photographs, but denied they were pornographic.他承认拥有一些裸照,但否认是色情的。The largest gallery contains at its centre a constellation of photographs called My Wishes.这个最大的画廊中心是一组名为《我的愿望》的摄影作品。Every one of these photographs has been tampered with.这些照片每张都被动过手脚。I like the way he composes his photographs.我喜欢他照片的构图。




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