例句 |
When necessary, the Greek spelling is disambiguated by an appended phonetic transcription.必要时,附注音标可以消除希腊文拼写的歧义。Single letters or combinations of letters represent different phonetic sounds.单个字母或字母组合表示不同的发音。I thought a phonetic spelling might aid in pronunciation.我想语音拼写可能有助于发音。Spanish is a more phonetic language than English.西班牙语表音比英语更突出。Pronunciation is shown by a system of phonetic transcription.发音通过一种音标系统表示。A list of phonetic symbols is given in the front of the dictionary.词典的前面给出了音标表。The conversation had been transcribed into phonetic script.谈话记录被转成了音标。 |